Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Masturbation And Self-Knowledge

Men and women (denial or dismissal of female sexuality greatly irritates me [1]) don't have to wait until marriage to discover the details about how their bodies function, and I don't mean via studying anatomy and physiology.  Masturbation provides a form of immediate, simple education about one's genital functions.  Better yet, it offers the opportunity to practice handling physical arousal and experiencing sexual pleasure, all of which can yield knowledge that is beneficial to learn ahead of time, before marriage.

First-time marital sex can be very awkward for some Christians, and masturbation can lessen or avert that awkwardness by enabling couples to already know the workings of their bodies and what things bring them pleasure.  Even if this only helps them decide what foreplay they prefer by teaching themselves how they like to be touched, it still isn't a useless form of self-education, as they can discover which actions result in which sensations.

If a Christian doesn't view sex properly in a moral, intellectual, and metaphysical sense, he or she will not necessarily go from sexual awkwardness to comfort with sexuality upon marrying.  Of course, there is no Biblical or logical basis for viewing sexuality as awkward in the first place, but feelings of awkwardness could definitely creep into marital sex if neither partner knows what they're doing or has any idea of what makes them feel good.  But masturbation is not just a way to learn about how one's genitals function, but is also a way to express or develop a general comfort with one's body and sexuality.  Someone who masturbates may have a far more relaxed attitude towards his or her body and its functions than someone who does not.  Bringing this knowledge, comfort, and relaxed spirit into a marriage could prove very helpful for some.

Besides, after all, if masturbation is not sinful [2], then there is no legitimate objection that can be raised against it as long as it is properly used.  Pointing out the usefulness it can offer in preparing for sexual interaction with a spouse and in becoming more comfortable and familiar with one's own body and its sexual functions can be a valuable thing.  It could really help some people in these two areas.



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