Saturday, September 2, 2017

Myths About Masturbation

After writing about the morality of masturbation last month, I decided to revisit the subject of masturbation by pointing out and refuting a handful of myths about it.  For that previous post, see a link at the bottom.  Myths in general abound, notorious for their illogicality, yet also sometimes maintaining a stronghold in the minds of the masses.  I have chosen some secular and Christian myths about solo sex to refute.

Only (or mostly) men masturbate.

This one cannot be argued for except on the basis of fallacious cultural stereotypes and conditioning.  Nothing about being a man (which ultimately means nothing more than that someone is born with a penis and certain anatomy and body functions) logically necessitates an obsession with sexuality and nothing about being a woman (which means nothing more than that someone is born with a vagina and certain anatomy and body functions) logically necessitates an apathy or merely mild interest in sexuality.  Not only does logic erode all attempts to deny this, but I've had multiple female friends tell me that women, in their own words, are just as visual and sexual as men are.

The Bible and experience (I mention the Bible because American evangelicals often ironically subscribe to culture-based beliefs about male and female sexuality) make it clear that there is no reason whatsoever to think that one gender has an innate gravitation towards sexuality and the other does not (or has it to a drastically lesser degree) [1].  I could link to many Christian and secular websites that address female masturbation and acknowledge how many women claim to masturbate [2].  Sometimes this act is called "jacking off" when men perform it and "jilling off" when women perform it.

Females may sometimes be more reluctant than men to acknowledge their sexual desires and natures, and men may sometimes overstate the actual extent or intensity of their sexual desires and natures--in both cases due to an attempt to align with cultural expectations preserved through social conditioning.  But nothing is true because people agree it is, and to find truth one must challenge everything taught by one's society.

Everybody masturbates.

A joke I've heard says that 98% of people actively masturbate and the other 2% lie about it.  If any people really believe this nonsense, then they have to believe on a basis other than reason!  Even if most people did masturbate, it would not follow that everyone else in the minority does.  And just because someone masturbates or has masturbated doesn't mean they do so on a regular basis.  Maybe someone who regularly masturbates and enjoys the practice cannot imagine himself or herself not loving it or has a very limited desire to admit that someone else would either masturbate with less enthusiasm or frequency or not masturbate at all.  To such a person, I would point out the many fallacies in any descriptive conclusions about other people's habits based upon these beliefs.

It is utterly illogical to create or defend stereotypes of any kind, but stereotypes still persist in the public mind!  To say something like this someone has to stoop to begging the question, the fallacy of composition, and the non sequitur fallacy.  It is true that many people may indeed masturbate, even asexuals, yet it is simply untrue that everyone does or that a human with my limitations could know that even if that were the case.

Asexuals do not masturbate.

Asexuals either do not have any amount or any significant or "normal" amount of sexual desire; they still have genitals that can have natural physiological sexual reactions and may still masturbate, even if only out of appreciation of the physical sensation instead out of motivation from sexual feelings or thoughts.  Asexuality pertains to a lack of mental sexual arousal or desire, which is objectively different than physical arousal of the body.  One type of arousal can exist without the other and the presence of one does not logically indicate the presence of the other.  Asexuals can certainly masturbate and enjoy it.  I myself am asexual and I can appreciate the physical sensation of the act.

Genesis 38 condemns masturbation.

I have heard of Genesis 38 being appealed to as Biblical condemnation of masturbation, yet an examination of the chapter reveals otherwise.  Verses 1-10 recounts an account of how a man named Onan was instructed to have sex with his deceased brother's wife in order to produce children on behalf of the dead brother.  "But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so whenever he lay with his brother's wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother.  What he did was wicked in the Lord's sight; so he put him to death" (Genesis 38:9-10).  This passage relates to a part of Mosaic Law in Deuteronomy 25:5-10 which prescribes this practice of having a man enable his dead brother's childless widow to have children.  No condemnation of solo sex here, just a condemnation of Onan's selfishness in not wanting to provide his brother with honorary offspring.

Masturbation is sinful.

For more elaboration on how masturbation is not sinful at all according to the Bible, see here [3].  Sexual self-stimulation of one's own genitals is a Biblically permissible way of both experiencing sexual pleasure and releasing sexual energy.  Mosaic Law and New Testament writings alike (not that the two actually disagree about moral matters, despite much confusion to the contrary) teach us that masturbation is not sinful because God never condemned or legislated against it in the Law and both Testaments condemn adding to God's moral revelation (Deuteronomy 4:2, Matthew 15:3-9).  Nothing about sensually touching or playing with one's own penis or vulva is depraved.  In other words, enjoy solo sex if you so desire, for God does not oppose intentional sexual contact with one's own genitals!

Whether single or married, as long as masturbation does not become a harmful addiction or otherwise engaged in through a sinful manner (mentally lusting after or objectifying someone), solo sex itself is not sinful in any way.  There is nothing Biblically shameful at all about appreciating your genitals and the pleasure they can generate even apart from sexual interaction with another person!  After all, God created the male and female genitals and masturbation itself does not in any way contradict his moral nature.  It can even deepen a familiarity and comfort with and appreciation of your body.  Ultimately, not even publicly masturbating in the presence of other people is objectively sinful.  Although Christians and secular people alike may object to public sexual acts, as long as the act in question is not itself sinful, there is nothing inherently wrong with it occurring in the presence of others as long as they consent to its occurrence.

Each of these myths is nothing but an irrational belief held only by fallacious minds.  No single gender has a monopoly on solo sex, not every human masturbates, and the Bible certainly does not condemn the act of masturbation itself.  So as long as you do not have a troubled conscience or an addiction to masturbation (addiction is a habit which has begun to manifest itself in destructive ways, such as withdrawal effects), there is no reason whatsoever to deprive yourself of this pleasure if you desire it or to not use it as a tool for sexual release!  Where God has revealed no moral obligations, do as you will!

[1].  I have addressed this some here:

[2].  See here for examples, which I have provided in abundance to drive home my point (but be aware I am only referencing them for their relevance to female masturbation; I do not necessarily endorse the moral judgments or other conclusions of these articles or sites in any way):


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