Saturday, June 15, 2024

There Is No Human Nature Beyond This...

Because some things are logically impossible, it cannot be the case even hypothetically that any person--or any being, God included--has any contradictory traits.  I do not mean contradictory traits as in a person believing in inconsistent ideas that cannot be true at once.  A person cannot be six feet tall and five feet tall simultaneously, though they could be just one height or the other.  They of course could have conflicting beliefs or priorities, but they cannot be extraverted and not extraverted at once.  They cannot have affection for something and have no affect for it at all at the same time: even hatred and love are not contradictory!  To be human is not to be extraverted, to love, or to have a particular worldview although only strict rationalism and all it entails are valid.

Other than things like the metaphysical unity of an immaterial consciousness in the specific kind of mammalian, bipedal body that humans have, there is no human nature.  There is only the nature of conscious and physical beings as dictated by logical necessities and there is the nature of individuals on an intellectual, moral, and psychological level.  Humans are not destructive, peaceful, rational, irrational, and so on; individuals have these qualities.  There is always the capacity for each of these things in every person if they chose to pursue them, but there is only default personality and yielding to cultural conditioning that shapes a person unless they look to reason and forsake all assumptions, and even when it comes to personality and culture, humans are very different from other humans.

People could be cruel or they could be tolerant.  They could be neither of these things; they could be neither and still be loving and selfless.  None of these possibilities is "human nature," and none could be the nature of beings that are inherently individualistic.  People are not by necessity as specific individuals one way or another in anything that is not the absolute core of being metaphysically human.  With any personality characteristic, moral alignment, philosophical aptitude, or other talent, any beings besides those under hypothetical mind control from the same source are inevitably capable of being different on all levels except necessary ones.

A human is still a human no matter which of the logically possible beliefs, priorities, personalities, physical variances, or emotional states they have.  For the same reason a man or woman does not have any given moral status or psychological trait because of their gender--because it does not logically follow by necessity--humans are no different on the level of their humanity in this regard then they are with gender and race.  There is no human nature beyond the handful of specific metaphysical constants, which spam phenomenological and biological factors alike.  Even if a person lost something like a hand or a foot, that humans naturally tend to be bipedal or have two hands is part of human nature short of deformity, and the combination of consciousness (with the ability to grasp the objective laws of logic) and body is another.  Very little of what else is called human nature is human nature at all.  

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