Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Oppressive Business Leaders

Since there are stereotypes about Indian, white, male, female, or other such business executives or managers, it needs to be understood that oppressive business leaders are not cruel or selfish or hypocritical (as literally almost every non-rationalist already is or would be the moment it became subjectively appealing to them, with or without a context of corporate power) because of their race or their gender.  Being a man or being white or Indian does not mean someone will tolerate or delight in exploiting workers, just as being a woman or being a member of a different racial group does not make someone a rational, just, compassionate, or competent business leader.  There are some cultures that strongly encourage stupidity and injustice in the workplace, but the problem is that at one point in time enough fools had power to influence a culture and enough fools submitted to them, entrenching idiotic and destructive business norms.

Skin color or geographical location is always intrinsically irrelevant.  Just as a white CEO who exploits his or her workers is not doing so because they are white or a black person who commits a crime is not a criminal because they are black, an Indian who perpetuates a cruel workplace is not doing so because they are Indian.  In the case of the latter, they either allowed reportedly hyper-oppressive Indian workplace norms because they were stupid enough to think tradition is valid or their personalities make them individuals who gravitate towards exploitation left to themselves.  Their skin color, as well as their lineage and gender, have not a damn thing to do with it.  At the same time, their skin color, gender, lineage, or nationality (nationality is not at all the same thing as race) cannot make them deserve less harshness for their irrationality.  Neither toleration nor unjust harshness or irrelevant criticism is ever justified.

Some cultures simply tend to have higher or more intense levels of workplace exploitation because most people, regardless of their race or gender, are fools who are largely willing to go along with arbitrary, conflicting, or blatantly irrationalistic norms, and if a society has already trended towards hypocrisy, egoism, and other kinds of stupidity, it takes a very bold and resolute person to defy the culture--and more importantly, do so on a strictly rationalistic basis and not because of petty emotional disatisfaction with the status quo.  In these cultures, people happen to find themselves in societies that are already full of asinine traditions.  It is not as if a person can choose which culture they are born into or raised in.  Since the vast majority of people are not and probably will always choose to be non-rationalists, these cultures change for the better slowly, if at all.  This is how some cultures can produce abusive employer after abusive employer: it is stupidity on the part of whoever shaped the culture how it is beforehand and everyone who gives in to personal emotionalism/subjectivism or cultural conditioning.

The predominant skin color or other irrelevant characteristics of people in a culture just have nothing to do with it.  That there are people who respond to workplace exploitation with racism or sexism (or classism, as hating or stereotyping people for having some arbitrary amount of money or for not being raised in poverty is fairly popular) further exemplifies how pathetic non-rationalists are.  Only rationalists could deserve to have power, in business just as in politics.  No one else is fit to rule anything from a small business to a grand empire because no one else avoids assumptions and lives for anything more than their own subjective, random whims and perceptions.  With the only exceptions being extremely young children or people with certain mental disabilities, every non-rationalist is, in addition to being thoroughly irrational to some extent, only just or competent by accident.  It is no wonder that non-rationalists with business power often end up exploiting their workers, intentionally or unintentionally.

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