People in general, by yielding to cultural conditioning or their own irrationalistic assumptions (all assumptions are baseless because they all involve belief apart from logical proof), actually think the Bible teaches that eternal torture is just [1] and that things such as profanity, nudity, mere drug use, sexual attraction, and more are wicked. Deuteronomy 4:2 says not to add or subtract from divine commands because there could be no other moral authority but God: anything that is not contrary to his nature is permissible, and conscience is absolutely irrelevant and meaningless. So much of what is implied or directly taught to people about Christianity is utterly different from its real doctrines, moral and otherwise. Much of what it prescribes is opposed by Christians and much of what it does not condemn is shunned by them.
To give just some examples, the Biblical God absolutely does not care if you scream "God fucking damnit" [2] from the rooftops, actively avoid the superficial pleasantries confused for legitimate love of humankind, violate legal speed limit laws [3], eagerly go right up to the line separating just and unjust aggression, masturbate to many people of the opposite gender (even while married [4]), own firearms, have multiple spouses, recreationally listen to exclusively secular music, abstain from church attendance, drink alcohol, and more. Yahweh does not care about having deeply intimate opposite gender friendships, playing violent video games, being interested in dark subjects, or being involved with public nudity. None of these things are Biblically sinful.
There are motivations or contexts that could make individual expressions of these acts irrational or sinful, but as for the acts themselves, they are all very blatantly nonsinful or even good on their own. To launch into just some aspects of the aforementioned issues, speed limits are meaningless social constructs. Aggression itself is not irrational or unloving. Firearm ownership can be used to celebrate defense of human life (Exodus 22:2-3) or to facilitate hunting animals for survival. Church is neither necessary as prompting to dwell on philosophical truths and Biblical doctrines in particular or to initially discover them, and it is absolutely not prescribed in the Bible. Nudity is the natural state of the human body (Genesis 2:25), God's chief physical creation which he called very good (Genesis 1:31).
Could any of these things be approached with irrational beliefs or intentions? Could they all be handled in a way that is sinful? Yes, but the fact that one could mishandle something is very different from how one could otherwise engage in or not participate in a given nonsinful thing. Something cannot be mishandled if it is itself evil. Alcohol is not problematic whatsoever; drunkenness and alcoholism are. Opposite gender friendships are not evil or morally dangerous and might have no romantic or sexual components at all; casual sex with the opposite gender and stereotyping one's friends on the basis of gender are sinful.
Numerous Christians, out of a fear of a hell that is itself an extreme distortion of the Biblical hell, or perhaps out of another kind of personal stupidity or willingness to submit to social constructs, perpetuate these legalistic ideas. Other than superficial similarities like murder (Exodus 21:12-14) and adultery (Deuteronomy 22:22) being sinful, literally almost nothing about what the typical Christian or non-Christian thinks is Biblical morality actually is, and even then, they are almost always just assuming based upon misreadings or hearsay. True Biblical morality would shock many with its much larger boundaries of freedom than most would dare to entertain left to themselves.
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