Friday, May 3, 2024

Irrationalistic Positivity

Desperate to feel content or positive about themselves, some irrationalists choose to believe in whatever strikes them as positive.  Instead of rejecting sexism or racism because they are irrational whether or not morality and thus justice of any kind exists, for example, they might reject them because it makes them feel bad to be on the receiving end or because they feel distraught upon seeing them directed towards someone else.  Rather than consider the logical possibility of a hellish afterlife and actually evaluate things like logical necessity, the evidence for or against specific religions, or what religious texts actually say about hell (the Biblical hell is not what many people think [1]), they might reject the objective logical possibility of a theological or non-theological hell because it hurts their self-esteem or terrifies them.

Nothing about reality changes because of any being's feelings other than the feelings themselves.  Not even God's will or preferences or undiluted power can change logical necessities, such as that he is dependent on logical truths for the very possibility and necessity of his existence as the uncaused cause.  This is the case for the uncaused cause, and it is of course the case for humanity.  The irrationalist masses either passively go through their lives without realizing this or quickly fleeing, to the greatest extent that they can, from the thought of anything that disturbs their self-esteem or emotional sense of positivity.  This is why so many people are emotionally fragile at the thought or mention of almost anything deeper than arbitrary whims or practical affairs.

Anything from the inherent necessity of logical axioms--which cannot be willed away or nullified no matter how much someone wishes they could be--to the destructive capacity of humans and more is likely to be disregarded, denied, or unrecognized by such people.  They do not strive for and cultivate an attitude of positivity that is not shaped by contradictory beliefs, emotionalism, or assumptions of any kind.  Their positivity is irrationalistic in full.  Whatever satisfies them in the moment or seems best to them at keeping unwanted thoughts at bay is what they will not just want, but also embrace.  It is not the desire for positivity that leads them to these errors, of course.  Unwillingness to discover and believe in reality, wholly governed by the laws of logic, shackles them to delusions.

Irrationalistic positivity is rampant, yes.  One can see it on display every time someone remains voluntarily oblivious to even the most accessible of philosophical truths and depth (and all obliviousness to the foundations of reality, logical axioms and one's own consciousness on an epistemological level, is voluntary) even when pressed in conversation.  One can see it every time someone says an idea is not conducive to their mental health and believes it is false or avoids the issue of its veracity altogether to salvage their mental health.  Peace and self-esteem are undeserved whenever they stand on fallacies and errors, but this, too, would be offensive or emotionally hurtful to adherents of irrationalistic positivity.

Having, enjoying, and monitoring one's emotions does not lead to irrationalism unless someone willingly, avoidably believes in something false or assumed, or ignores something they know/would otherwise know is true for emotional respite.  A basis for positivity, though, can be found on an objective and subjective level in the inherent truths of reason and the epistemological liberation of rationalism that connects one with these metaphysical necessities.  One does not have to flee from reason to find refuge in the only truths that cannot have been any other way and in deep emotional pleasure because of these truths, as well as one's knowledge of them.  Positivity is not necessarily irrational although many motivations for it are by default philosophically erroneous.

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