Sunday, February 16, 2020

Complemtentarianism Promotes Female Laziness

There is a much greater focus on how complementarianism treats men as if they can sidestep certain Biblical obligations than there is on how women are allowed--or even expected--to sidestep their obligations as well.  Complementarianism (or at least the common forms of it) does trivialize some moral offenses if they are committed by men, but what of the stupidity and shirking of responsibility that complementarianism allows women to get away with?  Even many egalitarians seem to not realize or want to admit that women are treated by complementarians as if they are largely exempt from miscellaneous obligations.  Indeed, complementarianism directly promotes laziness on the part of women.

Of course, complementarianism can easily lead to mothers isolating themselves to the point of feeling enslaved to their children and depriving themselves of free time for the sake of family.  There are ways in which complementarianism thrusts women into dramatically exaggerated responsibilities.  However, this is totally irrelevant to the fact that complementarian women almost inevitably welcome habitual laziness in other areas of their lives.  Complementarian ideology directly and indirectly influences women to make intellectual, spiritual, and financial laziness a prominent part of their lives.

Whereas complementarianism encourages men to be hypersexual and violent, it encourages women to pretend like they have to put little to no effort into autonomous worldview formation, financial development, and so on.  Women are outright told to take little to no initiative themselves for many things.  This certainly confines them in a way that treats women as if they do not have the ability to think competently and better their lives, which should strike anyone as obviously insulting to women, but it also literally teaches women to do very little (or sometimes nothing) to rationally (rationalistically) reflect on reality or take financial pressures off of their boyfriends or husbands.

Women are likely to be thought of highly in complementarian circles when they waste opportunity after opportunity to truly develop themselves intellectually and spiritually.  Some women might even appreciate that almost nothing is expected of them.  For those that would squander whatever greater degree of autonomy they are excluded from if they had it to begin with, it might be a relief to simply expect men to do most things for them, as if it is logical or just to demand that men do more for women than women should do for men.  Complementarian ideas, in this case, make some women feel better about their own unwillingness to put genuine effort into certain aspects of their lives.

Complementarianism needs to be fought first and foremost because its claims about gender dictating psychological characteristics and talents are objectively false by logical necessity (meaning that the Bible would be false if it did teach complementarianism), but it also needs to be condemned for how it explicitly teaches men and women to forgo obligations and needs that both genders are bound to.  Men and women have the same need for intellectual and spiritual autonomy.  After all, obligations that apply to both men and women are the only kind of obligations that exist according to Biblical ethics!

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