Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Metaphysics Of Logic (Part 2)

Throughout the life of my blog, I have refuted in full the self-defeating idea that logic is untrue, that some things are outside of reason, or that logic is a created thing [1].  I want to address an aspect of this that I have not written extensively about: if God created logic, then God is alogical, and thus is not and cannot be a reliable being.  A being that is not what it is, whose nature can be riddled with contradictions, can only be a terrible object of trust, trust being what fitheists and theistic irrationalists incorrectly claim to be superior to proofs rooted in logic.

If God was alogical--an impossible thing [2], so I am only showing what would follow if such a thing was true--then he could promise something and fail to fulfill his promise.  He could say he is unchanging and then completely change his nature.  He could damn people simply for complying with the moral revelation he provides them, for there would be no fixed reference point for justice.  After all, apart from logic, there is absolutely nothing to necessitate that a good deity is or stays good.  An alogical deity could be morally perfect and yet still sin, which is an impossibility that even staunch fitheists will likely deny.

If alogicality was even possible, then absolutely nothing could be known about anything, for logic can have no authority without universality and necessity.  The only possible result would be a complete epistemological disaster.  But an additional theistic consequence is that God would be utterly absurd, indefensible, and absolutely capable of deceiving his followers, justly punishing them for doing good (how do fitheists not recognize the impossibility of this?), and changing his nature on a routine basis (which would contradict Malachi 3:6, which even fitheist Christians rush to affirm).

In order to escape rationalism, some Christians embrace an impossible theistic framework: one that would only contradict, invalidate, and defy the conclusions they try in vain to establish by using that framework!  The desperation which drive some people to flee rationalism will inevitably lead them to contradictions and despair if they think evasion of rationalism will lead them to truth.  No one can be more mistaken than one who denies the intrinsic, universal veracity of the laws of logic--that some people deny this veracity only testifies to their own stupidity.

God is governed by logic, which is separate from himself (though his nature is entirely consistent with logic), because it is impossible for anything to be alogical.  Logic is not a created thing, nor is it a thing of limited scope; it exists by pure necessity and governs all things.  Until Christians address myths to the contrary, they will either preserve or tolerate lies that are both impossible and contrary to the whole of Christianity.

Logic, people.  It is very fucking helpful, and it is true whether or not people acknowledge or appreciate it.



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