Sunday, October 22, 2017

Women Are Not Mysterious

The fallacy-filled, erroneous, unbiblical belief that "women are mysterious" is one of many disappointingly popular claims.  One of its many problems is how it can also be used as a convenient way to dismiss the points of a woman.  It's so damn frustrating, as a rationalist and a Christian, to hear some men seemingly sincerely state belief in this, and it's also very damn irritating to hear some women agree in order to set up some joke based on cultural conditioning and fallacious stereotypes.  Whether articulated in attempts at humor, as a part of a defense mechanism, a blind recitation of false ideas, or out of genuine ignorance, this conclusion, if actually believed, is an asinine one.  Yet I have heard many people bring it up, even if only in jest.

Just because one person who happens to be a woman is enigmatic does not mean she is enigmatic just because she is a woman or that all women share this characteristic.  To say otherwise is to leap into fallacies and objectively demonstrable errors.  Personality traits have nothing to do with whether someone is a man or woman, but everything to do with his or her subjective nature and experiences [1].  Thus, it follows that there is no such thing as an innate "mysterious" nature embedded deep within female consciousness.  As I said above, one or more women might truly have mysterious natures (and subjectively perceiving someone to be mysterious does not mean he or she truly is), but this in no way means anything more than just that--several people who are women might display mysterious behaviors or attitudes from time to time.

Do you want to actually see a more experiential confirmation of this that involves more than deductive reasoning (though logic refutes this in full without external experience)?  Don't just shed assumptions and fallacies, go talk to actual women and get to know them!  Experience can affirm the truths about this matter that reason can prove on its own.  As a man or woman who holds to this error talks to women, he or she can see that women are people just like men are.  Really, this isn't very difficult to realize.  The vague, absurd notions of some alleged innate mysteriousness women possess cannot actually survive a confrontation with reality.

No one is mysterious just because he or she is a man or a woman.  Some people,
men and women, might be mysterious and some might not be, but reality contradicts
those who say anything more.

God intended for men and women to be friends and allies to each other, sharing the mutual understanding that both genders are people--and that their differences stop at anatomy and physiology.  There is nothing about someone's personality that exists just because of that person's gender and body.  The belief that women are mysterious by nature of being women, as opposed to some men and some women being mysterious by nature of being unique individuals, is something only a fallacious mind would devise or accept, just one more example of the stupid societal stereotypes that plague conversations and beliefs about gender.  Seriously, these things are not that difficult to rationally discover.  Women are not mysterious simply by nature of being women.

Logic, people.  It is helpful.

[1].  See here for an explanation of why it does not follow from having a male or female body that one will have so-called "masculine" or "feminine" traits.  It is rationally and experientially obvious that these beliefs are constructs, and the Bible does not speak of any such things, instead consistently showing men and women who buck all sorts of stereotypes and cultural expectations.  Here are some examples of articles where I address these things:

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