Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Facade Of False Positivity In The Workplace

As if not smiling or beaming externally means that there is no positive emotion inside the mind, and as if there must always be some moral reason for actual cheerfulness in every workplace, selfish employers might demand not just professional servitude, but at minimum the transparent illusion of joyful servitude.  Smiles, verbal gentleness (as opposed to neutrality), and the outward ignoring of legitimate problems--philosophical idiocy of employers or coworkers of course included--are pressured because "we are a family" or "I cannot handle anything but outright positivity well."

The same employers pushing for all of this probably will not feign happiness even when employees do nothing wrong by simply not exceeding their standard work duties, or by not fitting into the false positivity of that work environment.  This does not stop these employers from demanding some sort of alleged cheerfulness from workers, exactly that which they are unwilling to give: entirely gratuitous outward expressions of happiness over the "wonderful" experience of working for pay out of necessity or, for the less intelligent, because of the sheer tradition of it.  Work is seldom a place/endeavor that deserves happiness.

There are some individual jobs that could merit happiness, but never just
because they are professional jobs.  Work itself in an employment setting is often burdened by exploitation, but mere work could also not possibly be as important as existentially introspective leisure or simple personal hobbies enjoyed amidst rationalistic awareness.  Literal external inactivity is superior to all the professional productivity for the sake of professional productivity in the world as long as rationalistic awareness present.

Business and the workplace are only social constructs used by all as a means to an end, but they are also what some workers and employers alike confuse for worthy goals in themselves.  To make themselves feel justified in their stupidity, and to sustain the charade that work of this kind generally makes people fulfilled no matter the exploration or the time away from other activities (or from desperately needed rest), they contribute to this facade of false positivity.  Some companies lean more into this than others, but it is always irrational, and it can be outright deceptive in the intentions behind it.

Having a happy/joyful attitude is not an irrational thing on its own, especially since it could be an involuntary, natural part of someone's personality.  Expecting it in others because one personally relates to it or because it benefits a company is irrational.  It does not logically follow from either of these things that someone else should seek to have joy in the workplace just to have it or make others comfortable in their delusions.  Corporations and employers that force as many people as they can to pretend like they are only work-driven puppets and nothing more ignore the heart of all things, with or without demanding false positivity: logical necessity, not business utilitarianism or personal whims, makes something true.  Emotionalistic positivity and egoism are always invalid.

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