Friday, October 4, 2024

Stereotyping Celebrities

As people, celebrities have the capacity to grasp the necessary truths of reason no less than anyone else, and it is also always more unlikely, like for every other category of people besides rationalists, that they will be rational than irrational.  Rationality takes effort and even if someone gravitates towards ideas that are true, if they are only believing in things based on assumptions and subjective perception, they still could not know their ideas are true regardless of if they are.  Only logical necessity makes things true.  Only logical possibility allows them to be true.  Only logical proof reveals that something is correct.  No one is right or wrong based upon whether they are a pastor, historian, scientist, or celebrity of any kind.  Only being a rationalist makes one right and could give someone the right to be listened to when it comes to the nature of reality.

Some think celebrities like film cast members should not comment on philosophical matters, which something like politics is only a mere fraction of, though these people might focus specifically on superficial political concepts and current events when they say this.  There are usually two errors in this, or at least one of the two.  The first the notion is that celebrities are automatically irrational.  On an individualistic basis, they might be.  Whether slaves to hedonism or puppets of corporations or simply stupid left to themselves, there are many ways they could be highly irrationalistic.  They still do not have to reject reason and they do not have to remain attached to any errors they do believe in.  Since logic is self-evident, it is accessible to anyone who actually tries to discover it.  The second problem is that independent of whether they are right or wrong, celebrities should not keep from reflecting on or speaking about philosophical matters because these issues of truth transcend people and their preferences.

They are the very core of reality or are determined by what is at its core.  Truth is, and it does not concern only some people.  We all are trivial compared to it (logical truths and any moral obligations that exist, that is) and helpless before it even if many do not realize this.  The veracity of logical truths does not depend on feelings, intentions, perceptions, or the laws of nature.  They are true in themselves and therefore everything about our lives hinges on them.  This is no less true of celebrities than it is of anyone else.  It cannot be invalid to care about, pursue, celebrate, or recognize genuine logical necessities and a host of the issues governed by them.  Truth and philosophy are not for only some people.  To pretend like a writer or singer needs to just be silent about philosophy and focus on entertaining (as if entertainment is not deeply philosophical!), to give just some examples of celebrity categories, is asinine, especially if a person who thinks otherwise is wrong in additional ways.

Celebrities are not wrong because they are authors or singers or actors/actresses, and thus it is invalid to dismiss them or their worldviews on such grounds.  When applicable, they are in error for the same reason as anyone else who is wrong: they made assumptions, hold to contradictions, neglect logical axioms and the basic ramifications that follow from them, or deny the intrinsic truth of logical necessities.  That one has an idiotic worldview does not mean that another does.  Stereotypes like this are all false because they attribute non sequitur, irrelevant ideological or psychological characteristics to people who do not necessarily have them.  The likes of Jaden Smith have some rather fallacy-filled quotes associated with them, but there is nothing about being popular, positively or negatively, or culturally visible that makes someone rational or irrational.

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