Friday, April 12, 2024

Conservative Sensitivity

Sometimes conservatives are the biggest snowflakes of all despite their common use of the word in reference to liberals.  Whether it is criticizing Donald Trump, not practically worshipping firearms (of course firearms are morally neutral since they can do nothing on their own, though), pointing out that Soviet communism is not pure communism since it had a ruling/enforcing class (I am not a communist, nor am I a capitalist, for both are neutral until misused), using legal freedom of speech in ways they do not subjectively approve of, or something else, conservatives rush to show their worldview is driven by emotionalism potentially without realizing it.  Yes, liberals are pathetic as well, despite more of the affiliated philosophical stances being true or probable in their case even if the liberals themselves distort them.

With conservatives, who tend to deny their extreme sensitivity, casting a black actor/actress in Rings of Power or the live action The Little Mermaid upsets many of them, as if the color of a character's skin automatically changes anything about the base plot.  A hint of gender or racial egalitarianism frightens many of them.  For instance, acknowledging something such as the objective truth that men can be raped by women can stir up animosity in them.  Moreover, mocking the epistemological stupidity of deep state conspiracy theories with satire or casual comments might light their hearts aflame with fury or panic--certainly, it is logically possible for there to be a secret shadow government in true control of America or the world, but this could not be proven and is not some metaphysically inevitable state of affairs.

These are the people who might think the phrase "Happy Holidays" is some malicious, egoistic attack on Christianity.  They are the ones who might think that the COVID-19 vaccine is the mark of the beast or that a woman wearing a bikini is by default sexual.  They might rightfully (since it is true as a concept, not that they approach it with rationalistic epistemology) but for all the wrong reasons say that "facts don't care about feelings" and then believe in the existence of moral obligations on the basis of petty conscience just like so many liberals do.  The only racism they might want to talk about is that directed against white people, and they think themselves the victims of an evil world when they are mocked, when everyone who is not a rationalist, short of the very young or the likes of the catatonic, could not deserve to be hated or ridiculed.

Liberals can be wonderful examples of emotionalistic snowflakes, but so are conservatives; each ideology is crucially false independent of how the adherents act, as tradition and shifting away from the status quo for any arbitrary/emotionalistic reasons are both irrational.  In addition to this core ideological error, many adherents to each political philosophy are outwardly emotionalistic in their outbursts, reacting to things disproportionately, giving what would otherwise be legitimate reactions that are motivated by emotionalism, or by objecting to things that are not problematic at all.  Conservatism is false either way just like liberalism.  It is just that conservatives can be more likely to pretend with their words and attitudes as if they are the ones trying to look to reason, unlike liberals, members of the supposedly only major political party guilty of irrationalism.

Again, conservatism is false independent of how conservatives conduct themselves because logical truths and moral ideas, and thus the subcategory of political ones, are not true or false based upon how someone carries themself.  Conserving any tradition, unless the tradition is a moral obligation (which would not be due to its social normalcy or personal appeal), is idiotic.  This is like how Islam is not false because of how some or all Muslims behave.  It is false because it contradicts the Torah it also says it true.  Still, though their philosophical foundations are already invalid, modern conservatives often go further in their errors than they would need to in order to simply be basic conservatives.  Baseless outrage for the sake of outrage, which is especially irrationalistic when directed against logically necessary truths, is what they are empowered by or push themselves to.

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