Observe what many people say or do, and disparities will almost always arise unless they are among the few true rationalists one might encounter. One way or another, emotional motivations drive them, and they must either ignore truth or think themselves in the right to continue living in this manner. Whatever the manifest, so many people do this. Emotionalism is almost never something people need to be pressured into by society. A culture of non-rationalists is comprised of many individuals who do this already.
Indeed, the exact same fallacies or behaviors that they themselves commit might be repulsive to them in other people, and they might still think they are the exceptions. Their emotionalism is allegedly justified because they experience whatever peace, security, or relief they only derive from illusions. It is not anyone else who emotionally benefits from delusion. It is they themselves, so they are content with their errors. This is a major basis for their stupidity and hypocrisy.
Someone else's greed or disloyalty or disregard for anything more than their own arbitrary whims can still offend them. They are like the hypocrites Paul talks of in Romans 2, people who condemn themselves even as they inconsistently judge others (2:1-3). Theft or adultery are the examples Paul later uses (2:21-23), yet there are far more than this. Inconsistency of belief (though belief is only valid anyway if it is consistent with reason and actually true) and inconsistency of action and belief are all hypocrisy no matter how personally desperate someone is.
Such emotionalists or broader irrationalists think that it is their situation, their feelings, and their outcome that reality hinges on. If not, they actively, persistently do that which is hypocritical regardless, which requires what is in some ways a deeper level of delusion. In no case are they rational or righteous. At business, in friendship, and beyond, they are slaves to the sheer, asinine laziness of thinking that whatever is easy or seemingly beneficial for them must be the correct belief or course of action.
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