Sunday, January 26, 2020

Masturbating To Erotic Imagery (Part 4)

That asexuals can masturbate, and do so regularly, is an often neglected truth about sexual self-stimulation.  Although asexuals do not experience their natures as sexual beings in the same way that other people do, they are still sexual beings.  Their anatomy and physiology is not determined by their asexuality.  They are entirely capable of not only sexually pleasuring themselves, but also of enjoying self-stimulation and craving the pleasure it brings.  This is not all they are capable of: some asexuals may incorporate erotic media into their masturbation.

A person is not excluded from being asexual just because he or she uses erotic stories, images, or videos to facilitate bodily arousal.  An erotic stimulus (or non-erotic stimulus, like a mere image of the nude body or the sight of an attractive person of the opposite gender on the beach) can still elicit a sexual response from someone's body even if that person is not actually attracted to anyone portrayed in the images or videos.  Physiological reactions and physical sensations are not eliminated by a lack of sexual attraction, after all.

Masturbation can be pleasurable and even empowering for asexuals, since it is nothing more, in itself, than the use of one's hands to stimulate one's genitalia.  That someone does not experience sexual attraction to any particular person does not mean that sexual behaviors are not pleasurable!  Even people who do experience sexual attraction might masturbate while thinking of or viewing images of the opposite gender when there is no sexual attraction present, simply using the thoughts or images to facilitate arousal [1].

If people who are not asexual can masturbate to members of the opposite gender without being sexually attracted to them and yet still enjoy the experience, then asexuals certainly can do the same!  In both cases, someone is stimulating their minds or genitalia without feeling attracted to the person in the thoughts or images, as the imagery is not being used because the person being imagined or viewed stirs up emotions of sexual attraction.  There is no other purpose for it in these situations.

It follows that one cannot necessarily determine if someone seems to not be asexual based upon details they may give about masturbation habits.  Asexuals may choose not to masturbate or may simply have no interest in the activity, but they might also masturbate with or without mental or physical imagery, some of which might be explicitly sexual.  The purpose of erotic media is sexual excitement of the body or mind, and asexuals are able to use pictures, videos, or written stories to arouse their bodies or put themselves in a state of mind where they are inclined to engage in sexual behaviors--even when no one else is involved.


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