Friday, October 26, 2018

Libertarianism Is Consistent Conservatism

Contrary to popular sentiments, political tolerance is an asinine thing.  If an ideology is either inherently flawed or evidentially unsopportable, no one can have a right to defend, identify with, or advocate it.  Politics, like every other aspect of society, suffers when tolerance is viewed as a positive force.  It is logically impossible for anyone to have a right to believe in anything other than demonstrable truths.  As such, there is always a need to refute asinine political ideas when they are erroneously presented as legitimate or consistent.

Conservatives are notorious for their many fallacies and hypocrisies (as are liberals), but there is one particular inconsistency that highlights the contradiction at the heart of conservatism.  Since conservatism is ultimately about preserving traditions, with the exact traditions being preserved a matter of arbitrary preference, sometimes conservatives clamor to protect things that are ironically opposed to their other values.

Those in the conservative party often lament the large size of the government, complaining about taxation rates and government intrusion into the lives of citizens, yet they are not even consistent with their own demands for "small government"--they would be libertarians if they were!  Libertarianism is the consistent version of the small government tenet of conservatism.  Anything less is an incomplete, selective application of that tenet at best.

Conservatism is not inconsistent only when "misapplied," but it is inconsistent in any form whatsoever.  The only consistent form of certain conservative ideas is libertarianism, but libertarianism separates itself from conservativsm entirely, as it is a distinct political ideology.  Every time that conservatives object to some government oversteps but not to others, they communicate that they either don't understand the inconsistency of conservativism or they are using conservatism for some personal agenda.

The very foundations of both conservatism and liberalism are plagued with numerous fallacies, with each of the two parties being arbitrary in their own ways.  The former clings to tradition for the sake of tradition; the latter scrambles to reach an ever-shifting destination away from the status quo.  Libertarianism alone survives a meeting with rationalism.  It is the only consistent, Biblical form of government.

Logic, people.  It is very fucking helpful.

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