Monday, March 14, 2022

An Accusation Against Women Who Enjoy Sexuality

It is outright stupid to think that prostitution is a profession that only women hold.  Men can be prostitutes, and the Bible itself acknowledges this and even mentions male and female prostitutes alike in some condemnations (Deuteronomy 23:17-18).  It is also outright stupid on the level of pure logic, social experience, and Biblical teachings (although reason alone can prove this without direct social stimulation to prompt it at a given moment) to think that women do not tend to experience strong heterosexual attraction.  Building off of these errors, it is even more idiotic to believe in them while thinking that a woman is a whore just for being a woman or for wanting to enjoy sexual acts as a woman.  Everything from daily conversations to entertainment reveal that there are some who at least accuse women of being a whore for unrelated things.

Of course, women are not whores for enjoying or wanting sex--or for being sexually attracted to multiple men (as if that is wrong as it is) or even being promiscuous, despite promiscuity being Biblically sinful.  This is because a whore is another term for a prostitute, and prostitution requires payment for sex!  It is this very component of the definition that is "conveniently" ignored by those who would accuse women of being whores for activities or desires that have nothing to do with prostitution.  Yes, words are constructs that ultimately mean whatever is meant by them, but the fact that men are generally not called whores for promiscuity while women are means that the term is used inconsistently outside of the only context it would culturally belong in otherwise.  While there is much sexism against men in American culture, this is an example of sexism against women.

The word "whore" does not even describe anyone at all, man or woman, who has not had sex with someone in exchange for payment.  This is all that prostitution is, and thus using it with this in mind is the only use of the word other than using it in a joking manner that does not involve trying to humiliate or manipulate someone by using a word in a context that it is not ultimately referencing.  Only assumptions and double standards, which inevitably reduce down to stupidity, keep this habit of some non-egalitarians alive.  Conservatives and liberals alike can be hell-bent on misrepresenting men as hypersexual monsters and women as disinterested in sexual acts with men, and the red herring accusation that women are whores for pursuing sex is one way to express these false ideas.

Women are no less or more sexual than men, for men and women are all individual humans.  Individuality and humanity are what we share; the only actual differences between men and women are found in their anatomy and physiology--the appearance, shape, and functioning of their bodies, and even these differences are overshadowed by the bodily similarities.  Any idea that contradicts these truths is false and any action that expresses something contrary to them is an expression of irrationality.  It is not even particularly difficult to recognize any of these logical facts about gender and the ramifications for sexuality.  It is even rather easy, when one has become a rationalist, to notice when other people talk or act as non-egalitarians and recognize their hypocrisies, assumptions, and selfishness for what they are.

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