Friday, July 26, 2019

Yahweh Has No Gender

Despite the popularity of referring to God as if he is male, the Biblical God is outside the very context of gender.  As a spiritual entity, the deity of the Bible is sometimes described using analogies that compare him to a father, but to understand God to literally be male distorts the meaning of the passages that use these comparisons.  In fact, to call God male (or female) dramatically contradicts the plain Biblical description of Yahweh.

Yahweh is a purely immaterial being, having no corporeal shell to house his consciousness (John 4:24).  Thus, Yahweh cannot have any gender at all--gender is only a category for the physical body (contrary to the myths conservatives cling to, there is no difference between men and women on a nonphysical level)!  Only beings that possess bodies can be male or female, as there is no psychological component to gender/sex (contrary to the myth liberals tend to subscribe to, the words are completely interchangeable).

There is nonetheless language in the Bible that describes God as a father, but this title cannot mean that God has a gender for the aforementioned reason.  Such a thing is simply impossible.  Additionally, some Biblical passages describe God as if he is a mother, such as Isaiah 49:15 and Matthew 23:37.  These verses are often ignored by people who mistakenly equate the shifting cultural construct of "masculinity" with men's gender/sex and also regard God as if he is a man.  Do these verses mean that God is female?  Of course not!  In the same way, the verses that describe God as a father do not mean that he is male.

Yahweh has no gender, and therefore anyone who labels the Biblical deity "male" in any sense which implies that God is gendered only speaks out of ignorance.  A mind without a body is incapable of fitting into the biological categories of male and female.  The idea that God is, for all intents and purposes, a man is stupid at best, but at its worst it is a false idea that complementarians appeal to as a supposed Biblical basis for treating men and women who do not fit into their fallacious stereotypes as if they are defective.  Even without the affiliated complementarian nonsense, the stupidity of the idea alone merits rejection.

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