Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Originality Is Available To All

Of the two kinds of originality, discovering unknown or relatively unknown truths and independently verifying truths respectively, the first cannot be available for more than a limited period of time, whereas the second is available to all, irrespective of time and geography.  The first form of originality is far from extinct, however.  Only a mistaken person believes that historical philosophers were consistently rational, thorough, and precise.  Because of their usual fallacies and shallowness, there are many demonstrable philosophical truths that they overlooked (I call these neglected truths).  Even if the first type of originality was no longer achievable, though, the second could be enjoyed by anyone who practices intellectual autonomy.

Originality of the first kind is still certainly attainable even with regards to strictly logical and metaphysical truths.  Historical philosophers were silent or ignorant about many of the most important, verifiable truths about metaphysics and epistemology (such as the only way to prove that you are awake or dreaming at a given moment), some of which I have listed here [1].  I've attempted to find other websites that address some of these precise details about reality, only to find exactly what I expected: the advent of the internet has not made these facts known to the average philosopher because almost no one seems to have actually discovered them.  Renowned books, most philosophical websites, and the vast majority of other people are of no use to the one who seeks knowledge this specific.

Many people will never discover the neglected truths unless a rare kind of rationalist brings the facts to their attention, but this does not mean that originality is beyond their grasp.  Every person who looks to the laws of logic instead of alleged authority figures and traditions exercises originality of the second sense.  For instance, no one needs to read Descartes' Meditations to realize that consciousness cannot be an illusion, and every person who demonstrates this fact to himself or herself has exercised originality.  Likewise, no one needs to read Hume's An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding to discover that exact causal connections between events in the external world cannot be verified.  The idea that people can only rely on past thinkers when developing their worldviews is a destructive, asinine, fallacious myth that ignores both neglected truths and the fact that intellectual autonomy is always available to every individual.

If every knowable fact had already been discovered by humankind, every person would still be capable of recognizing and verifying truths wholly apart from the assistance of others, even if those facts currently belong in the category of neglected truths.  There is not a person who cannot turn from reliance on the claims of others to the freedom of originality.  Autonomy is a byproduct of of rationality, rationality being all that one needs to see through the fallacies of others and construct a worldview rooted in proof.  Furthermore, for now, originality of the first kind is certainly alive.


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