Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The Bipartisan Giants

Voting for either of America's major parties no matter what candidates they produce is a sign of vast philosophical and political ignorance.  Voting for either of them without exception because one thinks that the Bible unswervingly endorses the party betrays an enormous ignorance of reason and Biblical ethics, for neither reason nor Scripture supports the entire ideology of either party.  It is not logically impossible for a single party to represent the whole of rationality and morality, but the conservative and liberal parties represent neither.  From an independent logical standpoint, as well as a Biblical one, the flaws of the parties are deep; the bipartisan giants are easy to philosophically slay.

It is a simple matter to expose the logical errors, arbitrary positions, and theological problems at the heart of conservatism and liberalism.  Likewise, refuting Christians who regard either as a beacon of Christian ideas is a simple matter.  There are many nuances to reality that people are often willing to overlook.  It is not that either of the major American parties are wholly evil, or wholly righteous; the truth is that there are elements of Biblical teachings scattered about conservatism and liberalism, though the cores of each party are inherently fallacious and unbiblical.

Subscribing to evangelical ideology, Christian conservatives often pride themselves on upholding a Biblical stance on a small handful of about two to five issues (at the forefront of these issues are abortion and homosexuality), yet they are quick to abandon Biblical ideas elsewhere.  Some of them are even willing to view ethics in a utilitarian light, encouraging or defending the use of unbiblical forms of torture as long as it provides "security."  A host of other contra-Biblical ideas permeate general conservative stances.

For instance, just as the Bible does not condemn alcohol use, but does condemn drunkenness, the Bible does not condemn use of certain drugs, given that a person does not abuse them; despite this, Christian conservatives often harshly condemn recreational drug use to the point of desiring laws that punish it.  Then there is the sexism of the right: since conservatism by definition involves the upholding of tradition for tradition's sake, it is no surprise that many individual conservatives believe that men and women have intrinsic psychological differences.  The Bible contradicts this nonsense with its many stories of men and women who defy ancient and modern gender stereotypes.

The liberal left is more than willing, contrary to the right's usual absolutist emphasis on erroneous or inconsistent ethical stances, to revise its ethical stances as it goes along in a relativistic manner.  The liberal party as a whole is supportive of both abortion and homosexual relationships, activities that the Bible is opposed to.  Whereas some conservatives trivialize poverty or stereotype the poor, liberals might hold up involuntary wealth redistribution as the solution to poverty.

Then, as if the former issues were not significant enough, there is the reverse racism advocated by certain liberals.  In short, the liberal party has no claim to Biblical support, just like the conservative party.  However, liberalism is not as directly perceived to be affiliated with Christian values, when conservatism is often equated by many with the ideal Christian political framework.  Liberalism (like conservatism) is far from Biblical, but at least its adherents don't claim utter Biblicality as often as conservatives do.

Neither of the predominant American political parties seek to consistently apply Biblical values.  At best, both conservatives and liberals alike are quite selective adherents to Biblical commands, and both operate on a framework of fallacies.  One party clings to tradition and does not consistently maintain its small government tenet, while the other pursues an arbitrary, ever-shifting goalpost of "progress."  Anyone who thinks that either conservatism or liberalism is rational scarcely understands either; anyone who thinks that either conservatism or liberalism is Biblical only compounds their errors.

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