Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Senselessness Of Tolerance

People I have encountered during my lifetime, whether from my generation or one prior to my own, can struggle with the temptation of tolerance.  Indeed, certain groups demand tolerance (sometimes only unilateral tolerance, not a kind that extends both ways) as if it were obviously a moral virtue or a rational thing to demand.  I want to demonstrate that it is impossible for tolerance to be logical or ethical good.  To tolerate an evil or illogical person or action is to either peaceably coexist with it or to be apathetic towards it.  Why does tolerance make no sense from a logical or ethical standpoint?

If there is no such thing as an objective moral obligation and all values are subjective preferences, then tolerance is not good because there is no such thing as good.

Moral relativism and moral nihilism cannot justify the belief that tolerance is good or obligatory.  Those who deny that any objective moral truths exist contradict themselves every time they advocate for tolerance as an inherent good.  Throughout my life, this asinine inconsistency has aggravated me greatly!  As an aside, know that the hypocrisy and logical inconsistency of some moral nihilists alone does not refute their denial of ethical obligations.

If there is such a thing as objective moral good, how could it be morally good or commendable to tolerate what deviates from moral goodness itself?

It does not make any logical sense to claim that we have an objective moral obligation to tolerate things or people that oppose objective moral good.  That is like saying it is logical to deny logic (though I know some people who would do so and call themselves rational for doing so)!  How can it be good to tolerate that which is opposed to good itself?  While mercy, not giving people what they deserve, and grace, giving people good that they do not deserve, can be appropriate and even morally mandatory (in very specific contexts, as with Luke 17:3-4) within the Christian worldview, neither is synonymous with tolerance.

The unbiblicality and and logical incoherency of pursuing tolerance does not mean that there is no objective obligation to love other people, but loving others does not amount to tolerating their errors.  Loving another human is a commitment to the wellbeing of that person, an objective which ideologically excludes both ignoring opportunities to refute their false beliefs and looking away as they indulge in evil or illogicality.  The Bible commands us to love, but never to tolerate.  Besides, tolerance has no logical grounds, as the above sentences in bold highlight.  I hope that people realize the utter stupidity of pursuing tolerance because of its intellectual and moral shortcomings and, as a result, exchange nonsense for reason in this arena.

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