Wednesday, June 14, 2017

God Did Not Create Everything

Have you ever heard Christians say that God created everything?  I'm going to prove that such a proposition is inescapably incorrect--impossible even!  I will present three examples that refute this notion regardless of Christianity's veracity and one specific additional example from Christian theology.

God did not create the following:


The three laws of logic existed before God created the universe.  Before creation, God was still God, God did not both exist and not exist at the same time (because he existed), and the fact that God existed meant he did not not exist.   Without the three laws of logic, none of these things would have been possible.  God did not create logic because it is impossible for its three laws to not exist and be binding, even in an atheistic universe.


Truth exists by pure necessity regardless of the specific details about how the world is.  Even if no material world existed at all, it would be true that no material world exists and thus truth would still exist.  If God did not exist, it would be true that God does not exist [1].  The existence of truth as an abstract, necessary immaterial concept has nothing to do with whether or not God exists.


The uncaused cause, what I mean by God (when talking about God as a concept and not as the specific Christian deity Yahweh), does exist by pure logical necessity also--all I have demonstrated so far is that the existence of logic and truth do not rely on the uncaused cause for their own existence; they exist independent of it.  For something to be an uncaused cause, it (obviously) must be uncaused--meaning it always existed [2], and thus it did not create itself.  Now, whether the uncaused cause is the Christian deity is a totally unrelated issue to whether or not the uncaused cause exists.


The first two premises and the first conclusion are true regardless of the veracity of Christianity or the Bible, but every statement in the syllogism after those is true if Christian theology is true.

1. Anything that never had a beginning was never created.
2. God never had a beginning.
3. Therefore God was not created.
4. Anything that is a part of God's nature was not created.
5. God has a moral nature.
6. Morality is grounded in God's moral nature.
7. Therefore morality never had a beginning and was not created.

God always existed and since God's nature does not change (Malachi 3:6, James 1:17), God was always just, loving, and always possessed his other moral attributes the Bible reveals about him.  He did not invent moral commands, as if he merely fashioned nonsensical and incoherent moral demands to impose on humans, for true moral propositions merely reflect his own inherent character.  And since he has always existed and his nature does not change, morality has always existed.

God created the material world and all initial life forms (Genesis 1), but he certainly did not create everything--logic, truth, and himself were not part of his creation because they are by necessity uncreated things.  Since morality reflects his own character, morality too was not created.  No, God did not create everything, and to say so is to contradict reason and the Bible!

[2].  I have proven that what I call the uncaused cause exists in a different post:

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