Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Sexual Emotionalism

It could manifest as thinking homosexual behaviors must be good or permissible because they feel entitled to this, believing that one's romantic partner should not be attracted to or masturbate to anyone else of the opposite gender because this feels like betrayal (it is not), or holding that sex before legal marriage is some devastating thing by default.  There are many other possible examples of sexual emotionalism, and all of them are only believed when people are so enslaved to their feelings that they deviate from reason or neglect even truths they might have stumbled into for the sake of making themselves happy.

As something that can be very pleasurable and personal, sexuality often does lead to deep emotions.  What a person feels or wants and what is true irrespective of their emotions and desires, however, are very different things, having no dependence on each other.  Because sexuality is this pleasurable, irrationalists usually believe that anything that interferes with their happiness must be false or evil, even when they do not think the same of interfering with the sexual pleasure of other people.

Since it is so personal, non-rationalists often do not want to even consider the glaring ways they make assumptions, contradict their own beliefs, and destroy their lives by the stupidity of their own worldview and actions when it comes to sexuality.  They will expect things of others they might eagerly engage in, such as enjoying attraction to more than one person at a time even if married (and there is nothing adulterous, selfish, or disrespectful about this in itself).  They will think something good or evil on the basis of emotions or convenience or all kinds of petty assumptions.

Whatever the idea that does not follow from something else or whatever the asinine demands they expect from others, sexual irrationalists are so consumed by sheer hedonistic longing, fear, or shame that they will believe in anything that brings them even the illusion of relief.  This is why people hold to sexist double standards for women or men, often hoping to "exempt" themselves from some obligation or appease society.  It is why liberals believe that whatever one desires, with the exception of sexual assault, must be permissible and why conservatives also think that whatever arbitrarily offends their meaningless consciences must be immoral.

These things are not true or at least unprovable; people believe such things because it appeals to them or because they feel the urge to fit in with a crowd of fools, not because of anything rational, any depth on their part, or something worthy of any sort of tolerance or praise.  The allure of sexual pleasure and feeling justified in imposing personal preferences on others might be great for some people, but it is never something that cannot be identified and fully resisted.  It is not even sexual pleasure or general emotional capacity that is the problem.  Yielding to emotion as if it changes the truth and basing one's life around it, sexually or otherwise, is thoroughly asinine.

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