Wednesday, July 26, 2023

The Term "Woke"

Just being a true rationalist, and a rationalistic Christian specifically, in the sea of non-rationalistic individuals and societies is like being awake in an urgent situation and trying to wake up people who fight to stay asleep.  As long as just one person refuses to align with reason and forsake all assumptions or errors, there is someone who is philosophically asleep even if they are awake, their mind engaged with the external world and not just its own mental imagery.  It would not be incorrect to call them asleep and rationalists awake, but the predominant use of similar language is almost solely in a political context, where so many people ignore or forget that issues like racism, abortion, economics, and more are first and foremost metaphysical, epistemological, and moral issues before they are political, since the nature of political systems depends on much more foundational truths about all things.

More often than not, this language is used pejoratively by conservatives who pretend like any attack on or challenging of the status quo is irrational, evil, and liberal in the sense associated with contemporary Democrats.  The accusation of "woke" is thrown even at entertainment or a person that simply admits things like how men can be sensitive or victims, women can be powerful and independent, or white people are not the only people on Earth.  Failing to look past words and emotions to reason and ideas, these conservatives think that all of these societal trends, which are on their own progressive in the rational kinds of way, are poisonous even though they are in service to important truths when pursued without emotionalism.

Conservatives have their own supposedly "woke" ideologies, even if they do not use the word to describe themselves and their asinine philosophy of conserving traditions and, if they are actually consistent, refusing anything else on a metaphysical or epistemological level.  Their legions of conspiracy theories, their suddenly overt denouncement of things some of them once accepted (like films starting black leads), and their irrationalistic stupor make them very much like the kind of idiotic liberal they think they are superior to.  In truth, they think they are awake and liberals are asleep, when they are all fools unworthy of the laws of logic they rely on whether or not they realize it or live for them.  Nevertheless, many very basic but selectively affirmed tenets of liberalism are actually rational and Biblical, even if conservatives are more likely to pretend to be in alignment with both reason and the Bible.

While there are multiple ideas associated with liberalism that are true or good, either by logical necessity or within the context of the Biblical worldview, they are unfortunately believed alongside falsities or on the basis of assumptions, usually chosen because of sheer emotionalism, no matter their truth or logical verifiability.  Some elements of contemporary liberalism, and far more than with contemporary American conservatism, are at least bastardizations of things that no genuine rationalist would reject and that no thoroughly Biblical Christian would ever oppose.  Conservatives, on the contrary, mostly cling to just tradition and tradition alone, forsaking reason, God, morality, science, and their fellow humans whenever it is convenient for them or whenever it strikes them as pragmatically "necessary."

The difference in the ramifications of certain ideas is that a political liberal in present day America, to give an example, is a hypocrite for not being strictly egalitarian as opposed to misandrist or racist against white people.  A political conservative is a hypocrite for believing that men and women do not deserve to be treated harshly or slanderously in various ways because of their gender.  Liberals often are just as stupid as conservatives, yes; however, conservatism is inherently irrational because it is about tradition and slow societal changes rather than objective logical, moral, or other truths.  True ideas and not people are what constitute the nature of reality.  They are all asleep, or else they would be rationalistic and Christian and neither conservative nor liberal.  Conservatives are just far more distant from the truth than they imagine when they mockingly use the term "woke" even in reference to truths and righteous people.

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