Monday, October 4, 2021

Complaining About Complaining

The irony of complaining about complaining seems to go completely unnoticed by the kind of evangelical that supports a false positivity by demonizing complaining--sometimes by appealing to a distorted phrase from Paul.  Like so many other things, there would be no need to discuss this with others or even think about it at all in the first place, but the idiocy of those who seem to sincerely believe this needs to be addressed at times.  How it eludes them that they are complaining in this very process, I do not know.  They clearly are concerned with regarding an idea of theirs highly no matter what contradictions it has than they are with actually being right.

First of all, to even object to complaints, one must complain about complaining, rendering the objecting a self-contradictory, pathetic attempt to silence someone else for what might be a very valid complaint.  Second, as the previous sentence touches upon, some complaints are valid: they are either accurate in that they do not misrepresent the nature of an idea, person, of event, or they are called for in a moral sense.  If someone complained about the dishonesty or selfishness of someone else, if such things are wrong, it is actually morally good to complain when they are actually present in a person's life.  A Christian should not have trouble realizing at least some of the things that would be worth complaining about if Christianity is true!

Paul himself complains, as does Jesus; literally any objection to a person's beliefs, words, or actions is a type of complaint.  The important factor is that they do not complain more than is merited about petty inconveniences that so many people complain about as they neither think nor speak about more important matters.  The focus of their complaints is always about inconsistencies and fallacies in what ideological opponents say and how these opponents act in light of their errors.  Thus, there is neither anything petty nor hypocritical about their complaints, and to pretend like philosophical objections put into words are not complaints of sorts is stupidity.

It is Paul's words in Philippians 2:14-16 that some might point to as supposed confirmation that complaining is some inherent sin, yet sin itself would be something to complain about!  Any consistent moral system is incompatible with the idea that absolutely nothing should be complained about.  If so, this would mean nothing should be objected to, which would mean that not even the sins of that moral system should be objected to, which in turn would make that system self-refuting and impossible to live out.  Any intelligent person would immediately recognize the ramifications of this as asinine, pointless, and false by default.

The pursuit of false positivity mentioned earlier is actually just one possible motive for someone to condemn all complaining despite the context or intentions behind it.  Other than mere stupidity being a factor, perhaps someone wants to discourage complaints about their own irrational beliefs or sinful behaviors (or those of someone else they are close to).  No matter the philosophical and personal motives, complaining about complaining is an utterly idiotic thing that can be easily recognized for what it is.  It is neither conceptually valid nor consistent with the Bible.

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