Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Freedom Of Bikinis

Men and women are more free to publicly show their bodies in nonsexual and sexual ways in American society than historical evidence suggests was the case even 100 years ago.  This is reason for Christians who actually understand Biblical morality in a thorough sense to celebrate!  In the current cultural context of the West, wearing bikinis can express certain forms of liberation from prudery, sexism against women, and the idea that swimwear is sexual as opposed to just being subjectively perceived in sexual ways in some cases.  For Christian women specifically, wearing them can signify all of this and more.  It can physically reflect an inner opposition to legalistic ideas about Christian morality.

Bikinis, for the women who would like to wear them, can offer freedom for Christians from fear of sensuality and the forms of sexism leveled against men and women alike by evangelical traditions.  Simply wanting to express a rejection of fallacious modesty teachings is a valid enough reason to wear this kind of swimwear, as well as any other kind!  Freedom to do whichever nonsinful things one likes is an inherent part of Christian theology.  Since the true ramifications of this would shock people who are either theologically conservative or theologically liberal, it is no surprise that they dislike various ways Christians might live out this truth.

The freedom of the rationalistic Christian stance on bikinis entails that women see their bodies as something that cannot make men objectify them, that men see the female body as something beautiful without overreacting to its sensuality as they experience the desire for their own bodies to be seen and appreciated as beautiful, and that both genders understand that God wants the human body to not be shunned (Genesis 1:31).  There is far more to the nature and ramifications of bikinis than just rejecting the prudish legalism that adds to God's actual commands!  A deeper philosophical comprehension of what does and does not follow from Biblical commands can lead to immense relief and excitement for all.

For those who are comfortable with acting on recognition of the human body's (not just the female body's) sensual charm, this time of year is an especially convenient one to display a willingness to show one has set prudery and legalism aside.  For women, this might mean wearing bikinis--with or without the intention of specifically enjoying the admiring platonic or sexual glances of the opposite gender.  There is nothing wrong with a Christian woman, or younger girl as well, preferring not to wear bikinis for reasons unrelated to sexist ideas about male psychologies and female bodies.  It is just that the freedom of bikinis can be savored by Christian men and women alike as they turn away from asceticism, sexism, and legalism.

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