Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Objective Reality Transcends Quantum Physics

Reported findings about the quantum scale of the external world have been misunderstood by some to the point that they have come to believe one of the only self-refuting ideas: the idea that reality is not objective.  This notion contradicts the logical inevitably of objective reality.  If reality was not objective, that would still be an objective truth because any truth pertains to how something really is.  Even aside from the fact that logical truths cannot be made invalid or changed by perception, the passage of time, and events in the external world, there is still more to affirm about this issue.  Any tenet of quantum physics could not even be true if reality was not objective.  Since many people falsely conflate the external world with all of reality instead of distinguishing it from logic and consciousness, they tend to only focus on the still-irrational belief that quantum physics somehow proves that sensory perceptions, which are rooted in minds, are what matter cannot exist without.

If matter does only exist when it is perceived by a consciousness, or "an observer" as contemporary scientific wording often puts it, then it is still objectively true that there is an external world of matter--just not for the reasons most historical philosophers or moderners would ever think [1].  Conscious perception giving rise to matter is not even the same as matter being subjective.  Indeed, it is impossible for matter itself, as opposed to something like visual or auditory perceptions of the material world, to be subjective, for subjectivity is an objective feature of mental experience.  Since consciousness does not consist of matter (whatever its ultimate relationship to the nervous system is), a material object itself is not "subjective."  It either exists outside of sensory perceptions or it does not.

There is also the neglect of the fact that, the ideas about quantum particles and energy that contradict the laws of logic and therefore refute themselves aside, quantum physics is even more speculative than the rest of science inherently is.  At least one can simply look to immediate sensory experiences to perceive gravity, electricity, the gradual decay of matter, and so on.  All of these things have at least some components that are plainly visible at the macroscopic scale of everyday life.  This is impossible with quantum physics.  Unaided sensory experiences cannot penetrate the microscopic level, much less the even smaller world of quantum mechanics that is allegedly there outside of one's ability to directly interact with.

Not only can the quantum world not even be truly observed, merely hypothesized, but it also is associated with plenty of complete red herring concepts.  For instance, the entire notion of superposition, where a particle exists in two spatial locations at the same time (which is actually not in violation of logic), is merely assumed by some who realize the impossibility of pinpointing the precise location of the particle [2].  Not knowing where an article of matter is, though, does not at all mean it is in multiple places!  This does not logically follow at all, nor does it mean an inability to immediately locate the particle scientifically support the idea of superposition.  Superposition is purely hypothetical and unverifiable at most.

While there is far more that could be said to refute the idea that quantum physics means every aspect of reality is subjective, the simple self-verifying nature of logical axioms means that at least logically necessary things are true regardless of what else is true about consciousness, matter, or anything else.  In fact, it is logical facts that govern the physical world and render contradictory states of existence (like an electron existing and not existing at the same time or a quark having the impossible property of making necessary conclusions not follow from their premises) intrinsically impossible--and therefore able to be disproven with pure rationality before any macroscopic or quantum experiments could be conducted.  Objective reality demonstrably transcends quantum physics because it is logically impossible for anything else to be the case.

Logic, people.  It is very fucking helpful.

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