Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Lingerie Is Not Only For Women

Lingerie is marketed and commonly assumed by people who allow themselves to be captivated by societal conditioning as if it is something "feminine," something that men passionately desire to see on women but that would be out of place if worn by a man.  This naturally spills over from the asinine idea that women are more inherently beautiful than men and that women in particular want to be perceived as sexy, while men are supposedly concerned with the sexiness of their partners and not their own appearance or physical sexiness.  Since gender is nothing more than a kind of physical body, and since it does not logically follow that having certain genitalia (or chromosomes) makes one have any sort of specific talents, desires, or other aspects of personality, the very idea that any kind of nonphysical femininity and masculinity exists is already false by default.

Of the numerous sexist ideas about men and women present in Western society, some are more overt and some are more subtle to the uninitiated.  Popular attitudes and practices surrounding lingerie are among the latter.  It would be outright abnormal for someone to vocally affirm that men would have any interest in wearing lingerie as opposed to seeing it on women they perceive to be physically attractive--and I do not mean that men would want to wear and enjoy female lingerie as some would seem to expect before they entertain the thought of what I truly mean.  Men can wear lingerie tailored go the male body in order to feel sexually aroused, confident about their bodies, and desirable to their girlfriends and wives.  In other words, the exact same motivations and kinds of fulfillment a woman might experience regarding lingerie made for their own bodies can be experienced by men regarding lingerie made for theirs.

The folly of Western gender stereotypes that are rooted in illogical assumptions (and all assumptions are inherently illogical) would have many people never even pause to wonder if men do not want their bodies to only/mostly be seen as useful tools of physical labor or brutality.  Male and female bodies can be used for labor and violence, and male and female bodies are sources of great sexual and nonsexual attraction from many members of the opposite gender.  The way that some men and women understand, express, and react to their sexualities can be distorted by assumptions inherited from others or blindly latched onto through their own doing; this cannot override the logical facts about the matter.  Of course, one of the ramifications is that lingerie can be enjoyed in the same ways by both genders when worn by the other.

Girlfriends and wives err if they think that women have some natural monopoly on sensuality, sex appeal, and the westing of lingerie to please a partner or arouse one's own self.  Boyfriends and husbands err if they think that men are psychologically defective if they want to display their bodies for female pleasure in a way that the idiotic masses might ridicule or misunderstand.  Men and women share the same capacity for wearing lingerie, appreciating it, or masturbating to it when worn by the opposite gender.  The irrational gender-based expectations surrounding something like lingerie might not even ever seriously be considered by many people.  In fact, they almost certainly would not do so without direct prompting from rationalistic individuals.  The ideas they absorb lurk, attached to other false, arbitrary, and hurtful beliefs about men and women.

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