Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Social Distancing Hypocrisy

Hypocrisy is not unusual in a society that isn't collectively devoted to pure rationalism.  As an emotionalistic culture, America is teeming with examples of ideological inconsistencies in its political leadership and civilian populace alike.  This is true of both conservatives and liberals--and this has been on full display during the entire COVID-19 pandemic and the accompanying social distancing demands.  Since the death of George Floyd, however, one case of hypocrisy is particularly obvious to any intelligent onlooker.

Many of the same people who treated violation of social distancing as if it is murderous or automatically selfish said nothing in opposition to the protests and riots that occurred after the murder of George Floyd.  The cognitive dissonance revealed who was seemingly concerned about social distancing out of a genuine care for others and who was only supporting overkill quarantine measures because of hysteria and because authority figures they subjectively respected said to.  Moreover, attacking criticism over this hypocrisy in favor of protests during a pandemic only heightens their stupidity.

Anyone who defends protesting after harshly criticizing those who failed to stay six feet away from a maximum of several people at a time, regardless of their motivations for doing so, either have no regard for consistency or are even more blind to social hypocrisies than is typical.  It is clear that anyone in this category is influenced by whatever current events are occuring to suddenly shift their fears, behaviors, and claims back and forth in accordance with what others dictate.  In other words, they are thoroughly emotionalistic and prone to abandon ideas they only just asserted.

There are also almost certainly some among this group who would likely assume that racist intentions are the only reasons someone would ever oppose the protests during a fucking pandemic (even if it is far less deadly than liberals tend to say as it is).  Just as pandemics, like every other crisis of any size, give conservatives more opportunities to blatantly cling to their errors, they also give liberals the chance to do the same.  The fact that anyone at all would endorse two utterly contradictory courses of action is asinine even if they went from idea to idea rather than actually believing both simultaneously.

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