Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The Whole Body

The capacity for sexual expression is something that both the human mind and body share, but it is the body that is externally visible to observers, and it is thus the body that is often pointed to as a tool of sexual expression and behavior.  Many men and women are quite fond of numerous bodies belonging to the opposite gender in an aesthetic and sexual sense.  There are men and women who sexually appreciate particular, miscellaneous parts of the opposite gender's anatomy (of course women are visual, and men are not hypervisual!), admiring everything from the collarbone to the neck to to the thighs to the buttocks in a sexual way.

Which specific body parts of the opposite gender someone is sexually aroused by--not that most people are attracted to every member of the opposite gender regardless of how much of their bodies are visible--is a matter of subjective psychology.  Every part of the body can be sexually appreciated, even though every part of the body is nonsexual--that is, no part of the body has any inherent connection to sexuality, including the genitalia, yet each part can be used for sexual purposes.  The possibility that the human body can be used for sexual displays and activities does not mean that it is natural use of many of its parts.

No outer part of the male or female body has any biological sexual functionality other than the genitals in the sense that no other part of the human anatomy needs to be involved in sex, and yet it is not even sexual to merely show or look at genitalia.  A man or woman has not even done anything sexual if they expose their full bodies in a sensual way with the intent of being physically admired!  One fact cannot nullify another; that the body is central in many kinds of sexual expression or admiration does not negate the fact that the human anatomy is nonsexual even when blatantly exposed.

This is a paradoxical nuance to the nature of the human body that the Western world still has yet to internalize on a systematic level.  The whole body is fundamentally nonsexual in itself, but the whole body can be enjoyed, used, or appreciated in a sexual manner.  Any aspect of the body's exterior could be a stimulus for a partner's arousal or the sexual excitement of random members of the opposite gender in contexts where that is intended.  The legs, arms, buttocks, face, and genitalia of the male and female body can be the objects of sexual attention, but this only tells of the sexual perceptions or intentions of the admirer.

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