Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Bipartisan Delusion

There is never a time when tolerance of stupidity is rational, morally obligatory, or helpful, but 2020 has seen many of the fallacies and hypocrisies of America's two major political parties roar to an even more prominent position.  These displays of stupidity invite refutation and mockery by their very nature, but their influence on American society is becoming more destructive.  In light of this, calls for vague, generic attitudes of kindness towards people across the political spectrum are only becoming more damaging.

Now, like always, is the time for rage against the agents of irrationality that represent any worldview that is not rooted in sheer rationalism.  Of course, this rules out conservatism and liberalism, as all who subscribe to these ideologies betray reason in the process.  There is no place for treating anyone outside of rationalism as an intellectual ally or equal of those who have aligned themselves with the self-verifying nature of reason.

The reach of both parties is so extensive and their tenets are so delusional that most conservatives and liberals act like the only reason someone would criticize one party is because they support the other.  In reality, there are numerous logical and Biblical flaws with both conservativism and liberalism that need to be thoroughly refuted.  Assumptions, fallacies, and other epistemological errors need to confronted regardless of who they originate from.

It is logically impossible for any errors to deserve protection, and the emotional security of conservatives and liberals alike deserves no respect whatsoever.  The only methods of pushing back against the bipartisan delusions of America (here, bipartisan does not refer to compromises between the two parties, but refers to both parties as a whole) that are not valid tools are those which involve irrationality, inconsistency, or any form of injustice.  Short of this, every kind of social pressure can be legitimately used to silence those on either side of the political spectrum.

Until reason rules the country's minds, the asinine troubles that America (and other countries) continues to experience will likely not abate.  Many people wonder what they can do to improve the state of the country, but they almost never admit that personally rejecting assumptions and systematically assessing the logicality of their worldviews is where all intentionally positive social change begins.  Outside of rationalism, there is only darkness, arbitrary beliefs, and the threat of hypocrisy and tyranny.

Logic, people.  It is very fucking helpful.

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