Saturday, February 17, 2018

Yahweh The King

Having recently written on why monarchy is neither sinful nor obligatory [1], I wanted to follow my previous post with a reminder that no human's words are true or morally authoritative because of the political or social status of that person.  Those who insist otherwise commit a host of logical fallacies that invalidate their arguments, if not the conclusions also.  No monarch's words can alter objective reality.

Biblically, there is no such thing as the medieval concept of the divine right of kings; only rulers that rule justly can have God's authority backing theirs (Romans 13:3-5) [2].  All monarchs, despite their power, despite their positions, still are obligated to abide by Yahweh's revealed instructions just as those who are not kings and queens are.  Yahweh is the ultimate king of the earth to whom they owe their own allegiance, for "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it" (Psalm 24:1).

No human monarch, no matter how much influence and notoriety he or she has amassed, decides what is right and wrong, for right is a reflection of Yahweh's immutable character (Malachi 3:6) and wrong is whatever deviates from his nature.  Apart from a deity with a moral nature, there can be no moral authority in existence, and thus no human moral claim is true simply because a certain person utters it.  It is only from the allowance of Yahweh that human rulers draw breath.  If he willed it, they would cease to exist on both a physical level and a conscious mental level--and this annihilation is the fate that awaits the unsaved (2 Peter 2:6, Matthew 10:28), monarchs included.  In all things we must never waver in our willingness to disregard all human commands that contradict those of Yahweh (Acts 5:29).

And God is not behind wicked rulers as some might claim.  They are an abomination, and will be judged as such.  All of them are accountable to God's standard, which he revealed to Israel through Mosaic Law, in part so that other nations might observe this standard and, in time, learn to recognize its laws as just and originating from the creator deity (Deuteronomy 4:5-8).  Not a single one is above the laws of Yahweh (Deuteronomy 17:18-20), with the ultimate metaphysical treason being committed each time a king or queen, or any other human ruler, acts as if he or she is above them.

No Caesar can outlive the deity who alone is immortal by nature (1 Timothy 6:16).  No Caesar has moral authority outside of exact alignment with the laws of Yahweh.  No Caesar deserves the allegiance of men and women simply by virtue of being king.



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