Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Sexuality In Marriage (Part 4): Procreation

The idea persists in some minds that sex outside of a procreative intent is immoral.  Though not all Catholics may believe this, it is often represented as a teaching of the Catholic church.  As always in moral and theological issues, Christians need to investigate what the Bible teaches about the matter, having regard for tradition or conscience only when it strictly conforms to reason and Scripture.  And the Bible disaffirms this belief.

Yes, the biological purpose of sex is to create children, and, yes, God did authorize humans to multiply (Genesis 1:28).  But that is not the only purpose of sex!  God created it for pleasure and for bonding as well.  Song of Songs is certainly not about procreation, but the pleasure and intimacy that results from a mutual sexual relationship!  Sex can bond people together in a way quite differently than other activities.  But even if Song of Songs didn't exist in the Bible, it is clear from the rest of Scripture that neither procreation or a desire for procreation is not necessary to make sex morally acceptable.

Something is only sinful if it violates a revealed law corresponding to God's nature (1 John 3:4, Deuteronomy 4:2, Romans 7:7).  So does the Bible say that legitimate sexual activity in marriage always involves a desire for procreation?  The Bible never says that all people need to get married.  It never says that all married people are morally obligated to have kids.  It also certainly never says that couples should have as many kids as possible or as many as they can financial support, contrary to what quiverfull theology proposes!  But the Bible does say that as long as couples are not committing a sinful act, they are free to express their sexuality in mutuality (1 Corinthians 7:3-5).  Thus, it follows logically and within the Biblical system that sex is not exclusively for the production of children.  Spouses need not feel pressured to create a legion of children, much less any children at all.

It isn't difficult to recognizes that logic and the Bible refute the claim that all morally legitimate sex involves some procreative aspect.  This is a hollow, potentially destructive tradition--people might try to have as many kids as possible or rarely have sex if they truly believe it!  Christian spouses who believe it can walk away from it with full confidence in its irrationality and unbiblicality, focusing their attention on the broader and more universal functions of sexuality.

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