Sunday, February 26, 2017

Bible On Nudity (Part 2)--A Refutation Of Anti-Nudity Eisegesis

It's been months since I published the first part of this series [1], with the first installment detailing Bible verses which are undeniably pro-nudity and which contradict the evangelical notion that nudity is largely sinful outside of the context of a married couple engaging in it.  I talked there about how the Bible supports nudity, how nudity is not sexual in and of itself, how lust is not caused by seeing nudity, and how the idea that someone's spouse holds the exclusive moral right to see his or her nudity is a misguided product of legalism or jealousy, not logic or sound theology.  In this sequel post I will address some primary passages that people may appeal to in order to argue that the Bible condemns nudity.  Of course, more verses than these exist which are claimed to oppose nudity, but I have addressed some of them (1 Timothy 2:9-11 and Matthew 5:28, for example) and the affiliated arguments or similar ones elsewhere [2] and others can reduce down to the exact same basic types of verses that I will explain here.

God does not condemn nudity as shameful.  He created
humans naked (Genesis 2:25) and called it very good
(Genesis 1:31), allowed public nudity in Mosaic Law
(Exodus 22:26-27), never condemned nudity as immoral,
said in the Old Testament not to add to his moral commands
(Deuteronomy 4:2), and expressed deep anger in the New
Testament with people who ignored Mosaic Law while
inventing extra-Biblical moral obligations with a human and
not divine origin (Matthew 15:1-9).

Genesis 3:7, 21--"Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves . . . The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them."

Adam and Eve mistakenly believed that they could conceal themselves and their sin from God, and their design of primitive clothes did not accomplish this goal at all.  Never does Genesis 3 say that nudity has become sinful merely because sin exists; that would be like saying that marriage was good before the Fall but now it is sinful because of sin.  Because Adam and Eve's meager clothing could not erase their ontological guilt or the shame that resulted from violating a command of God, God replaced them with clothes of skin to demonstrate that he alone can offer a better covering for their sins--this, of course, foreshadows what God would later do through Christ.  Although conservative theologians fallaciously point to Genesis 3 as evidence or proof that God declared post-Fall nudity sinful except in very limited circumstances, their position is not supported by Genesis 3 or any other passage in the Bible.  There was no accompanying moral condemnation of public nudity; nudity did not suddenly become a sinful condition; Genesis 3 does not say that nudity is now an innately sexual thing.

Exodus 20:26--"And do not go up to my altar on steps, lest your nakedness be exposed on it."

This verse only applied to those approaching the physical altar of God, as the clothing that the Jews wore at this time seems to have exposed the lower part of the body if the wearer was walking up steps.  It does not apply to any other class of people, nor does it signify that the Bible condemns public nudity.  To base an argument that nudity is sexual (which, even if true, does not automatically mean it is sinful!), shameful, or sinful around these verses is asinine and illogical, as the extremely narrow application context has nothing to do with non-priests or people who do not have access to or need for a physical altar for Yahweh.

Ezekiel 16 (and 23)

I will not reproduce Ezekiel 16 here because it is best if you read verses 1-42, which I do not feel like quoting all at once, in one sitting and then read this afterwards.

It may be easy for some to incorrectly assume that because in the allegory God covered the naked body of the woman (16:8) and because nudity was involved in the sexual sins mentioned in this passage public nudity itself is therefore sinful.  Not only is that unsound and not only does the fact that God clothed the woman directly imply that she lived in her community naked before that day, but in this case, if Christians want to claim that Ezekiel 16 condemns nudity because the villainous, promiscuous prostitute showed her nude body to her "lovers", they will find that in the same passage God himself authorizes that those punishing the adulterous and murderous prostitute strip her naked (16:39), meaning that if such information in the allegory is literal then God wants adulteresses stripped naked, which means that God is not opposed to all public nudity after all anyway.

Now, 1) Ezekiel 16 and 23 are allegories and do not reflect the legal practices that God revealed in Exodus and Deuteronomy; 2) nothing in Mosaic Law says that men or women were to be involuntarily stripped naked as part of the penalties for sexual sins (or any other crimes), as it simply says to execute them for sexual crimes such as adultery, rape, and bestiality; 3) Deuteronomy 25:3 universally condemns all punishments that degrade an offender, and the intent behind inflicting forced nudity on a criminal as part of a legal punishment is to humiliate, debase, and degrade the man or woman being stripped.  This is intrinsically evil.  Since the Bible never prescribes forced nudity and also condemns degrading punishments, we know for sure that, although the Bible uses forced nudity in an allegory about punishing a murderess and adulteress, Mosaic Law actually prohibits that practice.

However, though forced nudity is abusive and sinful, God does not condemn voluntary nudity in public or at home unless the intent is to cause another person to lust (as in Ezekiel 16).  Even then, the nudity is only sinful in that case because the man or woman who is naked is intentionally hoping to make another person lust, which is impossible (it is impossible to make someone else sin, I mean); it is a matter of motive, as the action itself is not objectively wrong.

The Bible is supportive of voluntary nudity, but forced nudity is a moral
abomination.  In the Bible there are examples of dominant warriors
 depriving captive men and women of their clothing (Isaiah 20:1-6) and
 of perverse, sadistic officers stripping criminals naked to torment them
 in the name of "justice" (Matthew 27:26-31, 35, John 21:23-24).
Forced nudity is violating and degrading and can amount to
 sexual abuse in some circumstances.

Ezekiel 18:5-7--"'Suppose there is a righteous man who does what is just and right.  He does not eat at the mountain shrines or look to the idols of the house of Israel.  He does not defile his neighbor's wife or lie with a woman during her period.  He does not oppress anyone, but returns what he took in pledge for a loan.  He does not commit robbery but gives his food to the hungry and provides clothing for the naked.'"

I have seen people argue from these verses that we should clothe the naked and thus it is immoral to participate in nudity.  These verses refer to righteous humans clothing those who re not fortunate enough to have sufficient clothing for warmth and protection from the elements, likely due to poverty.  Do they teach that nudity is always sexual, that it is immoral to choose to not wear clothing in at least some public contexts, and that God declares nudity to be sinful?  No!  Is it sinful to be naked due to such poverty that one cannot buy clothing and needs to rely on the generosity of others to even have any garments at all?  Is it sinful to see someone in this condition and give him or her clothes?  Of course not!  Interestingly, Exodus 22:26-27 explores the "pledge" procedure mentioned in Ezekiel 18 and says that if a person takes a man's or woman's garment (as Jews from that era wore a single article of clothing), he or she must return the cloak before the sun leaves the sky so that the man or woman will be warm that night.  God did not care that the man or woman would walk around in total nudity because 1) the man or woman consented to the pledge and 2) there is nothing immoral about public nudity in and of itself.


It is explicitly clear from reading Scripture that God does
not care if we are naked and that he actually seems to
prefer us that way since it was the condition he
intentionally created us in.

Passages that some have twisted into alleged condemnations of nudity, as I have established, do not oppose public nudity at all.  And understanding the Biblical position on nudity will affect your life.  The effects may be comparatively minor, like no longer avoiding looking at nude sculptures in art museums or thinking that nudity in a film or video game automatically makes that movie or game morally reprehensible.  Or they may be far more liberating and dramatic, like realizing that a longing to admire the beauty of nudity can be pure and that viewing nudity as inherently sexual or sinful is a monstrous error.  Some people remain entrapped by lust solely because they think that it is impossible to not see the human body exposed fully or to different degrees without sexualizing or objectifying the man or woman in question.  I hope that these people realize that the solution to such sins is not to avert their eyes from the human body God fashioned to reflect his beauty but to understand that to view it as inherently sexual is a great perversity in and of itself.

In a future post I want to explain the different benefits of nudity, but that steps outside the territory of Biblical ethics and theology, so it does not belong in this series.  However, I may write another part in this series refuting false understandings of more ostensibly "anti-nudity" passages later if needed.


[2].  See here:


  1. Howdy, Cousin* Cooper Cooke!

    I appreciate stumbling upon Your studied & thoughtful & valiant discourses on #PublicSocialNudism, as I was investigating interweb platforms that might permit its depiction, & I was curious about what triggered or inspired You to wade into these waters — whether Personal Experience with #PublicSocialNudism &/OR direct or imagined criticisms &/OR dissatisfaction & disillusionment with the current status quo cult/ure & legal codes which are a gross departure from even recent history**, science, reason, religion, & humanitarian/humanistic & myriad moral benefits of #PublicSocialNudism. I largely share Your Logic; I simply do not share Your aggressive judgmental hyperbolic posture & tone towards anonymous “others” ( I don’t believe in, bend down to, entertain, or dignify bogeyman strawmen. ) who publicly condemn #PublicSocialNudism on any basis or front — since I largely have been very selective in My Choice of Friends & Associates & was fortunate enough to be born into a sufficiently LOVING Family.

    Do You have subsequent follow up essays?

    After many previous trips, I finally visited Hippie Hollow, Texas for the first time ( & Nude ) with new & old acquaintances & had a remarkable time. Ever been — to provide Real Life Modern Experience credibility & foundation, if not support among like-minded individuals, for Your apparently merely Virtual Theories? #PublicSocialNudism isn’t the “sin” or condemnable act as much as “force” — whether from #USgovt man•dates based on specious notions or from person to person — that plants the seeds for real “perversion.”

    I am surprised You neglected to note #1CorinthiansVI19 [ “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” ] as a basis to dignify the #TheHumanBody. Even for “athiests” the ( Nude ) Body at the very least deserves more respect simply as the vessel & vehicle for Our Mind/Intellect & Self & Organs & Emotions ( if not also “The Spirit” & Soul ).

    ( *No relation: but My Momma was born & raised in Texas USA — & in Christianity & Under God, We Are All Family. ).

    ( ** Up into the 1970s, from two extremes, both [1.] the mandatory “uniform” for swimming — even in the Pentagon Pool — for #USgovt military soldiers was “Nude” largely because swimsuits were considered counter-cultural to spartan regimentation & an excessive expense; & [2.] Nude swimming in YMCA ( y.m.CHRISTIAN.a. — “peaceful soldiers for GOD” ) Pools was likewise practically expected to, in addition, avoid the materialistic elitist vanities of status-seeking clothing.

    1. Hello there!

      I started discovering logical and Biblical truths about nudity when I became a rationalist in 2015.  It was not because of some experience with public nudity or some other such thing, but because I care about truth--nothing else matters or could matter, after all!  Not only are there significant truths about nudity relating to the Bible and other things, but it is far more common in many circles to find Christians and non-Christians alike embracing demonstrable falsities.  As for my tone, aggression cannot possibly be irrational unless it is directed towards false or assumed ideas, and legalism, prudery, and the misperception of nonsexual things as sexual are erroneous.  The aggression is just a reflection of my personality that is amoral in itself.  Though my intent is not to offend people, despite how I truly do not care whatsoever if non-rationalists are deeply frightened or disturbed by anything I say, everyone can look past words and tone to reason, if only they actually try.

      I have indeed written more posts about the general philosophical nature of nudity, as well as what the Bible does and does not teach about it, yes!  They were released throughout recent years. You can find them under the "Nudity" tag to the right or under other tags like "Human Body."  They address things like sexuality, social constructs, sexism against either women or men, the unbiblical nature of legalism, the idiocy of assumptions, and the difference between perceptions and the thing being perceived as they all pertain to nudity.

      What do you mean by virtual theories? These are objectively demonstrable logical necessities about what the actual Biblical teachings on nudity are. Experience is not the necessary truths of reason and can only be known for what it is in light of the latter. I have not experienced social nudity myself, but no one needs to in order to realize many things about the body, whether about Biblical doctrines regarding it or other truths.

      As much as I wish it was not the case, it is unfortunately not clear from mere observation of the body that anything close to what 1 Corinthians 6:19 says is true. There is no obvious reason apart from Christian/Biblical philosophy, and of course the evidence that Christianity is very probably true, to actually regard the naked body so highly in the sense of moral or aesthetic values.  There would be deep logical truths about it either way (such as that it can be a very sensual thing that is neither sexual nor unnatural), certainly, but it would not follow from these alone that there are moral obligations or values, so it is untrue that the appearance or function of the human body makes it obvious that it deserves respect.  Conscience, social pressures, and all other forms of emotional persuasion are irelevant here as they are to the truth of anything else.

  2. Q: “What do you mean by virtual theories?”
    A: What You write in pixels electronically — on the interwebs, aside from being wholly controlled by whichever human corporate ceo/s OWN the platform ( giving them & their minions authority to censor, mute, algorithmically shadowban suspend downgrade* ) — is all a part of = a potentially *EPHEMERAL “reality” that is limited to an almost de minimis elite cohort of online users who use the interwebs & even fewer who happen upon or care to fully read Your “blogs” ( You can track analytics, but the comment numbers suggest few have ever seen Your truths making them as irrelevant as a twig or leaf silently falling off a tree in the forest making no sound ) — as opposed to that reality in the physical — God Created — world which has existed & will continue for millennia for all the countless temporary entities which occupy & pass through it & cannot be avoided ignored or denied.

    Nonetheless, I appreciate Your Brilliant efforts to provide — or at least document Your Own — Enlightenment for others. You must admit the rubbish & hogwash on corporatized teevee & other dominant media create a “virtual & false reality” of “truths” that have altered the perceptions of most folks under their influence, which SEEM to outnumber those aware of & sympathetic to the “truths” You elucidate.

    A Nudist Sage I met at a public clothing-optional Lake last Summer/2022, Enlightened Me to the Idea that “Joy is the most accessible manifestation of God.” [ ie: Joy in all its forms - spiritual aesthetic intellectual/truth aural/music/sound physical sexual visual/art/beauty, etc, — all AFFECTING Us chemically biologically triggering our innate internal Joy Hormones ( Serotonin Dopamine Endorphins Oxytocin Adrenaline/Epinephrine ) ]. Thusly, as I now fully 100% agree, & hope You can appreciate, Our Bodies Are possibly the ONLY Vehicle/Container/“Temple” for Us to Perceive God — in a far more real way than any brick&mortar limestone wood bronze gold ivory or marble man-made “temple.” This is especially for those of Us who understand that the Air/Oxygen We inhale is God’s breath of Life — infusing each & every Living cell of Our Bodies with every single breath — essential to Our Corporal Existence & Conscious; & why Hindus ( whose literal/written philosophy & spiritually preceded by thousands of years & informs “Christianity” ** ) emphasize “Breathing” as an essential practice of meditation/prayer/exercise & connecting with The Divine. ( **Many Indians suggest that the “3 wise men from the ‘East presenting at Christ’s corporal birth’” were actually Hindus honoring a new manifestation of God & during “THE MISSING YEARS” — curiously poorly documented for arguably the most documented & glorified individual in Western Civilization, from his well documented birth to his reappearance in the Gospels when, as a 20/30-something, He was preparing to be Baptized by John with “water” ( h2o in part “Air” again ) — Jesus was actually studying “God” & diverse scriptures preparing for His Mission, under wise literate Gurus, clearly beyond any tutelage He might have gotten from Joseph or Mary who were likely largely Illiterate & had few if any connection to elite Jewish Scholars, in India whose documented teachings all suggest Jesus’s studies were informed by those far beyond & outside The Jewish Tradition ( which He often railed against ).

    I look forward to delving into Your discourses on Nudity & The Human Body. Thank You again, Guru/Rabbi/Teacher/Doctor!
