Friday, March 29, 2024

The Errors Of Corporate Empiricism

People who have likely never philosophically discovered the difference between their personal preferences, social traditions, ideological assumptions, and then the truth and certainty of logic are always more likely than not, in a world like this, to be the ones in positions of corporate power.  It takes effort to be intentionally rational, for even someone who would otherwise be rational to just assume that the correct starting point is correct or that the right things follow from the right concepts would be irrational.  Almost no one is intelligent or resolved enough to ever do this, much less on a consistent basis!  When irrationalists hold power, they harm everyone, including themselves, and one expression of this is through contradictory, self-defeating or hindering goals.

This is as true in a corporate context as it is in a governmental, familial, or other kind of circumstance.  Power is not what blinds people to reason.  They do this to themselves, if they are not rationalists.  However, in failing to recognize and accept logical truths, they do not fully sidestep philosophy, for everything in reality, including valid and invalid beliefs, is philosophical.  The most apathetic, lazy, philosophically incompetent corporate figures will still rely on reason even as they deny or ignore it.  By necessity, such a person will still have a worldview, no matter how assumed or contradictory it is.

It is just that instead of looking to reason, these business leaders will inevitably make assumptions.  This is how every arbitrary tradition and oppressive practice of the workplace comes forth.  Too stupid to understand the laws of logic that they are already standing on, such figures embrace errors on the basis of the logically impossible ideologies of egoism, relativism, or sensory empiricism, even if they have never once reflected on what would follow from their own supposed beliefs.  As for sensory empiricism, this is the thing being directly or indirectly assumed to be true by irrationalists who prioritize a random amount of experience in a role over rationality and trainability.

Despite American society being set up so that people must waste unnecessary amounts of time, often only to enrich undeserving employers and not even themselves, there are companies with idiotic hiring requirements that only accept prospects who have worked in similar settings for an utterly arbitrary number of years.  This, of course, prohibits otherwise capable and perhaps even rationalistic people from securing jobs they might excel at.  If this is enforced by enough employers, how can a company get workers when the workers need the job in order to obtain the experience that would then get them hired for the job?  It is luck, a very precise educational trajectory, or connections that would actually secure this kind of job, though some might resort to the intellectual and moral failures of deceiving employers to sidestep.

This is also the irrationalistic embrace of sensory empiricism in a business context, the erroneous belief that experience with the senses has a greater primacy than reason and rationality (the grasp of reason).  Logical axioms and what follows from them could not have been any other way and are not grasped by senses like sight, touch, or smell; even so, since reason is a set of necessary truths external to the human and divine mind, the intellect is a sort of sense.  Experiences would still neither be metaphysically possible nor knowable as mental phenomena apart from reason.  Though it is more important that corporate sensory empiricism is contrary to the only truths that cannot be false (logical truths), the consequences for those seeking employment could literally be deadly as the entrance barriers to various industries tighten without reason, making it more difficult for people to survive in a materialistic culture that both seeks to deprive them of their resources and then belittle them for not having more.  No matter the consequences, the mere fact that this approach to business is based on assumptions that demonstrably false ideas are correct makes it invalid from the start.

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