Saturday, November 25, 2023

Conservative News Media

Conservative news media reports are mere hearsay epistemologically--and this is true of literally all news broadcasts reporting for any current event--and the most vocal supporters have an obsession with conspiracy theories that became more mainstream in the madness of the 2020 election and the aftermath.  Whether it is the outrage over the ostensibly "stolen election" of that year (though democracy, as a system that is about agreement and not truth of any kind, is necessarily invalid) or some other such thing, conservatives and some prominent ideas associated with their media are far from a rare, quiet blemish on society.

As they watch media like Fox News or the Daily Wire, some of these people believe and loudly assert that it is "the media" that is ruining America or discriminating against them by silencing conservatives or ignoring conservative ideology.  With regard to the latter charges, any non-rationalist deserves to be discriminated against in the sense of being singled out and opposed, if not ridiculed and hated, and conservatives are all non-rationalists since tradition is not what makes a philosophy true (or conscience or other things besides reason that conservatives tend to ultimately appeal to).  Also, how the fuck could "the media" be silencing conservatives if the likes of Fox News, a major media organization with billions of revenue a quarter, are not exactly unpopular and unsuccessful financially or otherwise?

In some communities/cities, yes, certain news or publication groups might be more or less popular no matter how asinine the philosophical ideas promoted therein are.  Although liberal philosophy has its own demonstrably false or plainly assumed tenets just like conservatism, this does not mean conservative notions should be accepted or shared.  Only what is true and demonstrably has justification for belief, and many things typical people believe, from "ordinary" people to professionals, is assumed at best.  In either case, as long as something like Fox News has a sizeable audience and such a cultural foothold, it would not possibly be true that conservatism is not strongly represented in news media.

Even if they are asserting some contradiction, assumption, or emotionalistically-motivated acknowledgement of a truth, conservatives these days frequently pretend like there is or could possibly be a moral right to believe and say anything one wants to--except for the hypocrites who believe whatever strikes them as subjectively persuasive or emotionally appealing is fine, and not what liberals might hold to for the same irrationalistic reasons.  As such, they think that their news or publishing organizations, the same ones that are ignored when they talk about "the media," have the moral freedom to say anything, no matter how irrational, slanderous, malicious, or selfish it is.

It is logically impossible, and very clearly so if one is actually willing to discover this, for people to have a right to believe and in turn say anything they want.  If truth has no moral value, if there is no such thing as morality, no one would have a right to anything even though logical truths are still inherently true, supremely foundational, and supremely abstract in themselves.  If morality exists, since everything is governed by logical axioms, truth itself would be morally meaningful, and thus to believe assumptions or to make false claims would be immoral, meaning no one could have a right to say whatever they wish unless they only say things which are rational and just.  Conservatives, like any liberals that happen to disagree with these necessary truths, have no legitimacy to hide behind here.

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