Monday, December 19, 2022

True Egalitarianism

Plenty of people, including many conservatives and liberals, might say they care about treating people fairly, without any discriminatory favor or mistreatment on the basis of gender (or race, age, and so on).  There is no such thing as a rational conservative or liberal--though several ideas associated with each ideology are true--but almost all of them will talk as if and perhaps truly believe that they do not treat people in an arbitrary or inconsistent manner.  They like to think of themselves as rational, just, ideologically and morally consistent people.  However, if someone is a contemporary conservative or liberal all the way through, then they cannot possibly avoid beliefs or treatment of others that are inherently sexist, with the sole exception of someone who takes aspects of liberal gender egalitarianism and remains perfectly consistent with them.

When it comes to gender, many people like to pretend like fairness is expecting women to cover their bodies but not men (and if men were pressured to cover there bodies, this would be consistency in an erroneous direction), women to be affirmed for their beauty and sex appeal and men for their financial stability and physical strength, and men to not notice or care when they are abused by the opposite gender, among many other things.  Only an intellectual insect in the grip of irrational beliefs would ever think any of this could possibly be fair to men and women!  Still, even people who supposedly care about refuting and fighting gender stereotypes might really just care about benefiting only women or only men, which contradicts the entire nature of true egalitarianism.  They might be delusional enough to think some unfortunate personal experience with the opposite gender demonstrates that their gender is the oppressed one and the other gender is not.

Just as Christianity is not true or false or does not entail certain ideas because of one's upbringing or wider experiences, gender egalitarianism having to do with all men/boys and women/girls, recognizing the philosophically false ideas of all gender stereotypes, and liberating everyone from gender stereotypes does not depend on anyone's personal life experiences.  Gender egalitarianism is not about women or men, but about people and their individuality and shared humanity, and gender egalitarianism is demonstrably true, whether or not some man or woman has experienced victimization that, if they were not rationalistic, would motivate them to embrace assumptions, hypocrisies, and outright falsehoods.  The events of our lives do not make egalitarianism about just men or just women, as some pretend.

People who will not focus on the issues of egalitarianism themselves, which are grounded in and revealed by reason, without getting past their own personal background and preferences are goddamn fools, especially since it takes no more than a moment or two to fully understand why someone's gender and personal history have nothing to do with whether gender egalitarianism is philosophically true as opposed to misandry or misogyny--egalitarianism is not only opposed to one or the other.  The random experiences of people do not make egalitarianism true; it is true by logical necessity on its own (and I am not even talking about strictly moral egalitarianism, but metaphysical egalitarianism).  The trauma women and men have had forced upon them by an irrational, unjust society does not negate the destructive ideas and behaviors thrust upon the opposite gender.

True egalitarianism is not dictated by how one feels about one's own gender or the other one, or by as how one has been treated by one gender of the other.  People who think themselves egalitarians while they ignore or do not care about how issues like sexual consent or leadership are about both men and women are just as stupid, blind, and hypocritical as the idiot who thinks they understand Christianity while believing in evangelicalism or who thinks they are deeply rational without being a rationalist.  People who call or think themselves egalitarians while privately or outwardly favoring one gender over the other, when they reveal the evidence of this stupidity, can of course be refuted and mocked with pleasure, for personal humiliation and social ostracization might be the only things that grab the attention of the irrational.

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