Sunday, January 2, 2022

The Futility Of Delusion And Superficiality

A person who is running from themselves and from truth will never truly have any place to escape to other than deluded misconceptions that do nothing to change the nature of reality--yet there are numerous delusions a person could run to out of stupidity and desperation.  As futile as it is, they will seek the comforting persuasion of petty assumptions or egoistic goals instead of the only truths that they have to stand on regardless of whether they realize or admit it to themselves.  The delusion of assumptions, in turn, produces superficial worldviews, motives, and behaviors.

In an effort to protect their allegiance to personal or cultural delusions--like the belief that an external world or morality is known to exist just because it initially seems that way--a person must be or become superficial, clinging to perceptions instead of proof, apathy or emotionalism instead of reason, and personal fulfillment over truth.  None of the shallowness of the irrationalist changes a thing about truths concerning logic, science, or morality, of course, and yet they press on in their assumptions all the same.  The consequences manifest themselves in a web of incoherent hypocrisy, stupidity, and even forfeited depth of self-knowledge.

The irrationalist's friendships are based exclusively or largely on emotionalistic satisfaction rather than a mutual bonding over shared introspection and love of the deeper truths that reason allows knowledge of.  Their days are spent fitting into arbitrary social norms they might cling to despite their incoherence.  Their thoughts seek distractions from the matters of epistemology and existential directness that they will avoid confronting until the bitter end of their pointless resolve at the hands of some personal trial that delays happiness.  In short, they are pathetically trapped in their own fallacies and superficiality unless they look to reason.

Nothing can matter if it is not true, and rationalism alone is the key which all other working keys are derived from.  Only this foundation lets someone escape delusion and shallowness except by almost complete, unaware accident.  The irrationalist is trapped in an ideological prison of their own making that nothing short of the absolute certainty and immutable nature of reason can deliver them from.  For something to be true, it must be logically necessary or logically possible, and outside of rationalistic embrace of the truth there is only stupidity, hypocrisy, and superficiality.

Logic, people.  It is very fucking helpful.

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