Saturday, December 4, 2021

Irrationalistic Cries For Perspective

The extent to which non-rationalists will go to in order to deny reason's place in dictating and revealing reality is one of desperation and unintelligence.  They will cling to everything from existential apathy to inconsistent beliefs to shallow epistemology to escape or trivialize that which cannot be false (logical axioms) and the light that is shed on other matters.  Perhaps they cry out for "perspective" when a provable fact about a concept or about metaphysics is mentioned, which they are of course unlikely to have even tried to think of by themselves.  Perspective is an easy thing for non-rationalists to misunderstand and something they might try to justify random and even incoherent beliefs with.

If you cannot prove an idea in itself, you have no basis for believing it.  Probabilistic stances can be proven to be probable, so it is not as if this means no one can believe that some things are more probably than others even when they venture beyond introspective or purely logical truths that can be directly proven.  However, "perspective" has nothing to do with truth other than the fact that it is true that different people might perceive things differently or have different experiences, as well as that subjective experiences are an inherent part of conscious existence (even a deity still has subjective experiences in order to think, will, or experience anything, as mind itself is objectively a thing that perceives subjectively).

No one would call for "perspective" in this way unless they either want to hear different claims from other people because they give a default respect to mutually exclusive beliefs--as opposed just reasoning out necessary truths about an issue--or unless they think truth itself is a matter of perspective.  Since both of these stances are irrational, no one truly wants "perspective" in the aforementioned sense unless they are an irrationalist, someone who looks to a thing other than reason to ground their worldview.  If a person actually recognizes the subjectivity or malleable nature of perspective and elevates it into something it is not, they have knowingly lept into a philosophical mistake that renders almost everything they do, say, and believe contradictory and arbitrary.

Glorifying subjectivity itself instead of amoral subjective self-exploration, which does not involve any logical fallacies or idiotic priorities on its own, is the refuge of fools who think their feelings and preferences give their lives some sort of actual significance.  This is not even applicable to just one primary political party or only one group of people who are not rationalists.  Evangelical Christians (who do not represent anything about Christianity in an untainted, accurate way), non-Christians, liberals, and conservatives do this all the time.  The only kind of emphasis on subjectivity that is not worthless does not involve pretending like subjectivity could usurp the place of reason.

Logic, people.  It is very fucking helpful.

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