Saturday, March 6, 2021

The Conservative Anticipation Of A Civil War

Some liberals might selectively encourage the unjust destruction of private property in riots over unrelated police brutality, but it is conservatives who more frequently talk about rising up to the government of the United States using personal firearms if needed.  On one hand, there is absolutely nothing philosophically problematic about gun ownership and using weapons to threaten or kill those utilizing force unjustly past certain thresholds (such as when murder, abduction, or rape is involved).  On the other hand, a revolution bent on overthrowing a major world power so a new regime can be instated needs far more thought than many conservatives seem to give it.  Without ever actually "rising up," the kind of conservative who loudly anticipates and even sometimes hopes for open warfare against a government whose worst offenses are minimized or ignored--and whose more trivial offenses are overhyped--is the last to acknowledge how futile such an effort would likely be.

What kind of home fortification do such conservatives think will protect them from a drone strike, an AC-130 gunship, or a group of tanks in the streets?  Any of these or certain other devices or weapons could kill them with little to no risk to either human members of the American military or to the costly vehicles employed.  If enough people in the United States government and military wished, any dissenting civilians could be bought to a swift end.  Since conservatives often pride themselves on supporting even unnecessary expansions of United States military power, they should already comprehend this.  The very army they want to be more powerful than all of its foreign threats could end their feeble attempts to dismantle it with even less effort it might take to defeat some foreign armies.

Ironically, the same conservatives who like to praise the American military's strength are usually the first ones to gleefully call for another civil war in the United States despite the destruction it would wreak on the country they love and the danger it would pose to them.  No matter how fierce their misdirected passion is, short of something logically possible but extremely improbable, like a miracle, they will not outlast or withstand modern soldiers, equipment, and technology if the opposing force is sincerely intent on eliminating them quickly and with as little left to chance as possible.  The bulk of a new civil war could be over within days or weeks.

The military of the United States could easily annihilate pockets of armed civilian opposition from miles away without even endangering any human troops!  This conservative idea that "the people" are in any way likely to defeat the soldiers or technology of the very nation they claim near-unconditional allegiance to is as pathetic as it is fallacious.  Moreover, some conservatives who put especially little thought into being eager for a revolution against the government or open civil war might even surrender as soon as they realize just how bleak their circumstances truly are.  Revolution and bloodshed are far from being morally unsound according to the Bible so many conservatives look to without understanding its actual teachings, but they are still very serious matters that need more than rushed contemplation.

There would not be a prolonged conservative or liberal uprising against the United States government without a great deal of restraint on the part of the latter.  Any conservative who smiles or laughs at the thought of 2021 holding an uprising against Biden's leadership who does not at least somewhat realize this is even more blind than conservatives who do understand to some small extent that a civilian-led war against the United States government is not one that favors the civilians.  To refuse to consider war a potential necessity in some circumstances is asinine, but so is hoping for a war that could be so easily avoided or that is pointless due to its futility.  Gun ownership is not even the problem with these conservatives.  The problem is eagerness for an uprising that is almost certainly doomed to end shortly after it starts and the fact that the uprising is not even referenced in connection with America's worst flaws.

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