Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Irrationality Of Pursuing Peace At All Costs

It is paradoxically the case that pursuing peace at the expense of all else can easily result in the very thing that a person hoped to steer away from.  There are many destructive outcomes that are inevitable or likely when peace is regarded more highly than truth, but some of them defeat the entire purpose of trying to appease others in the first place.  Of course, it is pointless to regard truth, the thing that drives so much interpersonal conflict in one form or another, as secondary to tranquility whether or not it can be self-defeating, and there are still other reasons to criticize a total fixation on peace.

Those who seek peace for its own sake are hypocrites if they make any exceptions to this goal, but at best their drive for the absence of conflict will result in trivializing problems, tolerating false ideologies, or making positive assumptions about others.  There is nothing irrational about preferring peace to conflict, but it is inherently irrational to prioritize peace over rationality and remain silent when people live as if there is nothing more authoritative than their own desires.  Moreover, a lack of alignment with truth is not the only side effect when peace is exalted above all else.

Not only is it philosophically invalid to ever prioritize anything over truth, as to sidestep or trivialize truth is self-refuting (one could only be valid in attacking or ignoring truth if one was backed by a true ideology), but it is also counterproductive to group unity itself to seek peace for the mere sake of peace.  When people either do not acknowledge genuine relational problems or refuse to do anything to resolve them lest peace be disrupted, everyone involved is in a situation that now has a higher chance of exploding later on.

Thus, disunity becomes a greater probability when relational and ideological problems are set aside in order to foster a superficial, misleading sense of tranquility.  Of course, many people who seek peace without concern for what the peace is based around are not rational enough to reason this out.  They are too focused on maintaining meaningless peace to bother looking to reason rather than their own desire for conflict to cease.  If they did, they might realize that some means of avoiding conflict only make it more likely in the future.

Logic, people.  It is very fucking helpful.

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