Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Dating An Irrational Person

What rationalist worthy of the name would settle for an unintelligent significant other or one uninterested in matters of truth?  The pursuit of truth demands the whole of one's being, and its demands may spell the dissolution of relationships that hinder that pursuit.  It takes only a few social interactions to see that most people have nothing of substance o offer someone who deeply cares about truth.  Dating, like other social aspects of life, is affected by this fact: very few dating partners (potential or actual) are intelligent, consistent, or thorough thinkers.

It is, of course, not inherently problematic to give a dating partner some time to intellectually or morally mature if they reveal shallowness, hypocrisy, or apathy towards philosophical matters.  With encouragement, some people who would otherwise never reevaluate their worldview and personal priorities might change.  It is when someone fails or refuses to align themselves with reason when corrected or only changes for the sake of having a romantic relationship that there is a problem.

If a person fails to abandon assumptions or correct worldview errors even when given time to do so, it becomes clear that they are not concerned with even feigning intellectual soundness because of a relationship.  Such a person is unfit for romantic partnership with someone who recognizes the utter importance of pursuing truth at the expense of all else.  It might be difficult to reject someone whom one harbors romantic affection for, but it is obvious that only a rationalist could be the ideal match for a rationalist.

Since the world has long been plagued by widespread irrationality, it should not surprise rationalists when potential dating partners prove to be intellectually inferior.  It is likely that a given dating partner will merely share the illogicality of the masses.  Nevertheless, it is not impossible to find a person who is a suitable romantic match and a sound thinker!  While it is far easier to find irrational people than rationalistic ones, rarity is not the same as non-existence.

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