Monday, September 3, 2018

Physics: The Supreme Science

The scientific method allows for the observation of numerous categorical aspects of the cosmos, but, in at least many cases, each aspect is related in a key manner: the different aspects of the cosmos itself involve matter.  Whether a scientist studies the scope of the universe or the behavior of subatomic particles, they are in the domain of physics.  Physics itself is the study of matter, meaning it is the science that presides over many of the others, as they hinge on it.

Numerous aspects of science, which is the use of the scientific method to amass information about the material world, involve physics in some way.  All one needs to to do realize this is analyze the nature of various branches of science.  For instance, biology is the study of the bodies of living organisms, making it a sort of applied physics.  Chemistry, the study of chemical synthesis and the makeup of chemical substances, pertains to physics.  Likewise, geology, astronomy, and cosmology inevitably overlap with physics, for the subject of study in each is part of the material world.

The nature of physics as a whole is, of course, far more broad than any one of these subcategories, yet they each rest upon it, branching outward from it due to the commonality that they all share.  As such, if someone wants to understand the concepts at the very core of modern scientific ideas, physics is the only fitting place to start.  Nevertheless, there is a crucial thing that must be clarified about the extent of what physics encompasses, since physics, despite its immense size, does not cover everything.

Physics is totally separate from the use of strict logic and introspection, since logic and consciousness, like the very space that matter inhabits, are immaterial.  The fierce passion of those who adhere to scientism cannot change the fact that there are immaterial things, and that only certain things that are immaterial (logic and space) have to exist by absolute necessity.  While there cannot be an absence of logic or space, there could have been no material world--and the material world could also vanish at any moment.

Physics is the supreme science, but science does not comprise the core of either epistemology or metaphysics.  Science does, however, contain a vast territory of concepts and applications that make it worthwhile when it comes to several ends.

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