Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Conservative Snowflakes

Perusing around the internet, one can easily find instances of the term "snowflake" being thrown at liberals by conservatives, as if the term single-handedly defeats an opponent through implied or overt mockery.  The word is intended to convey a sense of fragility, as if a person accused of the title, like an actual snowflake, must be treated with care, lest a confrontation with reality destroy him or her.  If one rejects an idea because the person who articulates it is a "snowflake," then one is a terrible logician.  The true irony, however, is not that the term is often used to attempt to settle intellectual matters in a non-intellectual way or by appealing to ad hominems.  It is that conservatives can be the biggest snowflakes of all!

I can think of several conservatives in my life that are just as emotionalistic, petty, misinformed, inconsistent, and unintelligent as they claim liberals are.  They might even possess these qualities more so than the liberals they denounce, since their inconsistencies are often quite blatant when held against the worldview they claim to possess, though liberals I have known are at least consistent in reasoning from their premises, even when the premises are false.  In fact, simply challenging their beliefs might result in an emotional tirade against non-conservatives.  I was once even told how seriously disappointed someone in my immediate family was when I did not vote for Trump in an effort to keep Hillary Clinton out of office--as if I give a fuck about satisfying another person's emotional preferences or disregarding the security he or she derives from a fallacy or false belief!  I care nothing for another person's worldview unless it is both true and arrived at by the illumination of logic, not by accident or as the result of cultural convenience.

It is amusing to me that conservatives can so gratuitously popularize a pejorative term that has no relevance to the veracity of ideologies, and then turn around and be the very things they enjoy mocking.  I am not surprised, since I have found that intelligence, sincerity, and consistency are rare among other persons.  Conservative snowflakes simply form just another set of people with a disparity between one belief and another or between belief and action.  I will merely call some conservatives snowflakes because they match their own definition of the word, but I will not pretend like calling them snowflakes refutes any of their actual positions, as if cheap internet insults could topple an entire worldview with a single word.

Conservatism and liberalism alike are without logical basis.  Both are subscribed to by people who qualify as "snowflakes," but this tells us nothing about the systems themselves.  The former (conservatism) is about preserving traditions, which are arbitrary and without authority, and the latter (liberalism) is about abandoning the status quo in favor of achieving alleged progress, with what is viewed as progress likewise amounting to arbitrary preferences.  Both conservatism and liberalism are irrational and unbiblical political frameworks, and the proponents of both may approve of severe but different sins (conservatives might be willing to endorse unbiblical forms of torture in displays of utilitarian thinking, defend sexist and racist stereotypes, or callously refuse to understand that factors other than laziness can result in poverty, whereas liberals often promote ideological tolerance, acceptance of contra-Biblical sexual lifestyles, big government, and the idea that abortion is a woman's right).  Christians who rally around either conservatism or liberalism are often theologically uneducated, selective in applying Biblical values, or intellectually inactive--or all three.

Neither clinging to tradition nor treating the social acceptance of popular ideas as progress is rational.  Conservatives and liberals alike, as simple conversations can easily reveal, are often laughably inept at utilizing logic.  But calling a supporter of either party a snowflake does nothing to refute a concept or establish an error.  And members of either party can be emotionalistic snowflakes.

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