Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Difference Between Intelligence And Education

Education alone does not make someone intelligent.

As I sat in some of my college courses earlier this week, I began thinking about what distinguishes mere education from true intelligence.  It seems to me that people sometimes interchangeably use the terms "intelligent" and "educated" without understanding the explicit distinction between the two.  Though there may not seem to be a difference, allow me to define and separate both words.

Intelligence is the ability to understand and utilize logic; education is the process of being taught about certain information.  You could easily have one without the other.  Someone can be educated without being intelligent or intelligent without being educated.  Just knowing information about history, science, or literature does not make someone intelligent, it only makes that person knowledgable.  I have seen people confuse the two when they call someone "smart" just for recalling some historical fact or for knowing the contents of a classic book.  Likewise, intelligence is not marked by articulate speech, although this may be present in the life of someone who is intelligent.  Signs of intelligence include questioning beliefs, noticing the logical deficiencies of claims, and wanting to not just know information but know if that information is true or false.

It is important to be aware that someone educated will not necessarily use reason extensively or carefully.  I sometimes get the impression that people I am around at the HBU honors college mistake their increasing knowledge of classical literature, history, different theological beliefs, and awareness of various philosophies for signs of great intelligence.  Intelligence can indeed grow, however.  While it seems that people are born with differing levels of tendency to employ logic and different immediate capacities to comprehend it, people can definitely increase their fluency with using logic.  Thus, with intelligence defined as the ability to understand and use logic, this means that people can voluntarily increase their intelligence.

This news can serve as great comfort to people who want to become more intelligent!  After all, it reveals that we do not have to remain stuck at the same level of intelligence for the duration of our entire lives.  This process will require consistent dedication and intentionality, though--it won't simply occur on its own!  But do not think that this goal is unattainable.

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