Monday, October 24, 2016

Definitions (Part 4)

Political Systems

Politics--procedures related to obtaining leadership influence in a land and governing it

Government--body which overlooks and rules a group of people or a nation

Aristocracy--governmental system presided over by the higher class

Democracy--governmental system where the majority selects officials

Oligarchy--governmental system managed by a select group of individuals

Monarchy--governmental system presided over by a monarch (royalty, like a king or queen)

Theocracy--governmental system where God is viewed as ruling a nation, which is also governed by people operating on God's behalf

Republic--governmental system where the majority votes on officials who occupy their offices for a limited time

Timocracy--governmental system where only those who possess property can participate in leadership

Plutocracy--governmental system ruled by the wealthy

Dictatorship--governmental system presided over by a lone dictator who wields total or near-total power

Autocracy--governmental system led by a single person (an autocrat)

Corporatism--governmental system managed by powerful companies

Criminal Law

Crime--act punished by a governmental authority

Fine--amount of money taken from an offender and given to the state

Damages--amount of money given to a victim of crime as compensation

Servitude--period of time during which an offender serves someone as punishment for a crime

Corporal punishment--physical punishment of an offender's body, such as flogging

Capital punishment--execution of a criminal for a capital crime

Robbery--use of violence or force to steal from someone

Murder--extinguishing of a human life in unlawful circumstances (other than proportional self-defense, just capital punishment, just warfare, or manslaughter)

Manslaughter--unintentional taking of a human life

Rape--non-consensual sex with a person

Bestiality--sex with an animal

Incest--sex with a parent, sibling, or other close family member (other than one's spouse)

Negligence--harming or killing someone through non-active means due to lack of awareness or concern

Assault--physical attack on someone

Battery--infliction of physical injuries on someone during an assault

Kidnapping--non-consensually taking of a human being

Human trafficking--involuntary selling of people for profit or exploitation

Perjury--intentionally bringing a false charge against someone to indict them

Defamation--promotion of false information about someone which damages their reputation

Slander--verbal defamation of someone

Libel--written defamation of someone

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